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EUROMED 2018 – Odprti klicObjavljamo javni poziv za prispevke EUROMED 2018 konference, ki bo od 29. do 3. novembra na Cipru. The 7th biannual European-Mediterranean (EUROMED) conference brings together researchers, policy makers, professionals, fellows and practitioners to explore some of the more pressing issues concerning Cultural Heritage today. In particular, the main goal of the conference is to focus on interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary research on tangible and intangible Cultural Heritage, using cutting edge technologies for the protection, restoration, preservation, massive digitalization, documentation and presentation of the Cultural Heritage contents. At the same time, the event is intended to cover topics of research ready for exploitation, demonstrating the acceptability of new sustainable approaches and new technologies by the user community, owners, managers and conservators of our cultural patrimony. The conference accepts only original, unpublished work written in English which will be blind-reviewed and published on SPRINGER-NATURE LNCS. |
DejavnostiKIBLA PORTAL KiBela artKIT KIBLA2LAB Neformalno izobraževanje Spremljevalni program Sodelovanja in gostovanja KIBAR Za:misel TOX folio FestivaliKIBLIX MED Festival ljubezni 2008-2012 Dnevi radovednosti 1997-2011 Ciklus (DA)(NE)S Projekti, koprodukcije in mednarodna sodelovanjaAktualni projekti - RUK - Digitalni dediščinski inkubator (DDI) - Virtualni multimodalni muzej (ViMM) - Ruritage - Caravan NEXT - Carnval - Mreža multimedijskih centrov - X-OP Koprodukcije Zaključeni projekti Naročilo obvestilPoiščite nas na socialnih omrežjih:Nagrada e-odličnost 2008 |
MULTIMEDIJSKI CENTER KIBLA / Ulica kneza Koclja 9, 2000 Maribor, Slovenija, Evropa telefon: 059 076 371 ali 059 076 372 / e-pošta: kibla@kibla.org |