
Open Call - Residency @ Multimedia Centre KIBLA, Maribor, Slovenia – October 2013

Residency opportunity at the Multimedia Centre KIBLA, Maribor, Slovenia

Multimedia Centre KIBLA offers a residential program

An art residency in Maribor in Slovenia is an opportunity for artists, curators and theorists of Europe who wish to explore their practice in a interdisciplinary field combining art, science and technologies – aimed at actualising culture phenomena which are emergent when art, science and public awareness are interconnected.

The invitation is targeting artists/cultural workers/theorists to explore science and technology researching combining creative forms of artistic experimentation and construction. A residency of three weeks of researching, working and exploring will be finalised with a result presented at the festival KIBLIX 2013 – leading to discussing, listening and sharing ideas and findings.

The gap between science and society has been shown to still exist, although surveys reveal a very positive and optimistic perception of what science and technology can actually do for humanity in terms of medical research, improvement of life quality, and opportunities for future generations. A better understanding of what is going on in our bodies, environment and society can be achieved by sharing knowledge on how to communicate with different target groups, opening closed scientific circles, displaying complex problems with creativity and simple practical methods.

Focuses/offers of a residency in Maribor:
- places adopted to working conditions for a focus research and a production using interdisciplinary artistic-scientific-technological models, methods and knowledge
- a honorarium, travel expenses (EU) and daily subsistence (accomodation and food)
- public presentation in a gallery space of an art-science-techno work, art-science-techno idea etc. at the festival KIBLIX 2013: Un_natural
- acceptable: urban social interventions and installations
- acceptable: models for a non-formal education connected to formal educational bodies

Contents frame of KIBLIX 2013: Un_natural:

Un_natural describes a substantive framework, which through a post-anthropocentric view overcomes the natural/social dualism. It expands the perspective that deconstructs the norms of participatory understanding of the various forms of life, thereby within the many constructed cultural imperatives evoking reflection on interdisciplinary opportunities for the
(co) existence of bios and techne.

The Wider Context – broadening the categories

The unfolding of the categories of the feminine, and with them the masculine as well, is not an isolated phenomenon; it opens much more. The perception of women as connections to nature, much more wild and unruly than civilized men that therefore less worthy, less capable of entering into society, more in need of control, etc., is merely an outline of the
framework which has started its journey of awareness of a broader society, a society which has yet to recognize it in all its manifestations and yet to develop new conceptualizations, social and practical tools for overcoming it.

But what happens when this wildness, this naturalness, begins to knowingly transform, changing technology and biotechnology? A plurality of forms will happen, but in
their social perception nature will become an outdated idea with lost meaning. The incidence of forms shows itself in a diversity which leaves behind sexual categories, which widens and redefines reproductive systems and learns anew comprehension/communication/coexistence. The wealth of phenomenon diversify not only sexual categories, but ways of
identification, communication, reproduction, visualizing, audiation, perceiving,politicizing, organizing, consuming… while at the same time raising complex questions about the regulation of new phenomena.

A residency is supported by European Union in a frame of a project Soft Control and it will last for 3 weeks.

An aplicant needs to provide a short bios with a list of most important projects done (with possible links to the on-line material) and a short concept for the residential proposition with possible visual material (drawings, photos, videos etc.).

Deadline for applications: 20th September 2013

The Selection Committee:
1.) Aleksandra Kostič, art historian and curator
2.) Lidija Pačnik Awais, producer, programme coordinator
3.) Žiga DObnikar, curator
4.) Dušana Nikolić Radosević, programme editor at Dom Omladine Beograd

A contact:






Neformalno izobraževanje

Spremljevalni program

Sodelovanja in gostovanja








Festival ljubezni 2008-2012

Dnevi radovednosti 1997-2011

Ciklus (DA)(NE)S

Projekti, koprodukcije in mednarodna sodelovanja

Aktualni projekti
  - Vključevanje otrok in družin v uporabo novih tehnologij
  - Smer: kulturna dediščina
  - RUK
  - Digitalni dediščinski inkubator (DDI)
  - Virtualni multimodalni muzej (ViMM)
  - Ruritage
  - Caravan NEXT
  - Carnval
  - Mreža multimedijskih centrov
  - X-OP


Zaključeni projekti

Naročilo obvestil

Poiščite nas na socialnih omrežjih:

Nagrada e-odličnost 2008

MULTIMEDIJSKI CENTER KIBLA / Ulica kneza Koclja 9, 2000 Maribor, Slovenija, Evropa
telefon: 059 076 371 ali 059 076 372 / e-pošta: kibla@kibla.org