
Beauty or Beast? Results from the eCult Stakeholder Workshop in Hamburg

The eCult Stakeholder Workshop was hosted by the Kulturbehörde Hamburg, the city council for culture. Hamburg is the first German city that developed a "digital cultural strategy" and Dr. Dirk Petrat, head of the council, put forward the needs of the public sector: "Museums need guidance when, where, why and how to use technology".

Participants included representatives from museums, university, creative and cultural industries, intermediaries and young professionals.
Below, you can find the presentations, some statements and eventually, some conclusions that focus on 6 key words: Dialogue, target audience, technology strategy, technical staff, interoperability and last but not least, money.

Programme available here
Museum Panel provocative statement by Goranka Horjan
Intermediaries/artists/users' Panel provocative statement by Dejan Pestotnik


A continuous dialogue – stakeholders’ needs and experts’ opinions, Eleni Toli, ATHENA
How do EU projects impact access to culture?, Francesca Spagnoli, MAXICULTURE
Mutual benefits - the magic formula for SMEs and Cultural Institutions, Philippe Wacker, EMF
Panel 1: ICT for Access to Cultural Heritage - the museum view, Goranka Horjan, European Museum Forum
Panel 2: Technology solutions for cultural scenarios – the techie view, George Ioannidis, MAXICULTURE
Virtual exhibition & authoring tool, Katerina Iatropoulou, EFG1914 Project
3D processing and anti-counterfeiting, Vito Cappellini, MAXICULTURE


 "Putting objects on the Internet is part of marketing, not a threat." (Aare Renzer, Art Museum of Estonia)
"Guidance for museums, somehow standardised, on how ICT could be involved in museum activities is needed! It does not exist, each museum wastes time and energy separately." (Dirk Petrat, Kulturbehörde Hamburg)
"Museums have always been virtual in a way as they have always extracted objects from their natural environments; hence it should be no problem for them to use new virtual technologies." (Goranka Horjan, The European Museum Forum)
"There are no beasts when the beauty of technology and beauty of culture comes together, there is just magic!" (Katerina Iatropoulou, EFG1914)
"I observed in the discussions that the main obstacles to technology is the mentality of CH people. It is the same case in Social Sciences and Humanities: people think technology prevents them from doing what they do." (Evelyn Gius, University of Hamburg)
"We need to overcome this traditionalism. In Italy, even big museums have no special technical staff." (Vito Cappellini, University of Florence/EVA Florence)
"Curators are afraid: the Internet might expose them, they may even lose control over 'their' treasures." (Goranka Horjan, TEMF)
"Don't forget the money issue!" (James Hemsley, EVA London)

Conclusions of the eCult Stakeholder Workshop

Hélene Herniou, eCult Expert, Museogeek, France

Aare Renzer, Art Museum of Estonia, IT development manager, Estonia

Goranka Horjan, European Museum Forum, Croatia

Martin Ritz, Fraun Hofer IGD, Germany

George Ioannidis, IN2, United Kingdom, Germany


eCult delavnica Lepotica & Zver: Kako dostopati do kulture s pomočjo IKT?

21. januar 2014
Hamburg, Nemčija


Kulturbehörde Hamburg
Große Bleichen 3
20099 Hamburg

Namen eCult delavnice je raziskati načine in postopke, kako učinkovito povezovati ponudnike novih informacijsko komunikacijskih tehnologij (IKT) z institucijami na področju kulturne dediščine ter posledično nagovarjati ciljne skupine na sodoben, atraktiven način. Strokovnjaki s področja IKT in predstavniki kulturnih institucij  bodo v okviru panelnih razprav, skupaj z udeleženci delavnice, razpravljali o pristopih in procesih, kako uspešno zapolniti vrzeli med ponudniki visoko tehnoloških informacijskih rešitev na eni strani in ponudniki kulturnih dobrin na drugi, s skupnim ciljem zagotoviti sodoben način dostopa do bogastva kulturne dediščine čim širši javnosti. Delavnica bo potekala po zgledu "BarCamp" metode.

Poskušali bomo najti odgovore na nekatera ključna vprašanja:
Kaj so temeljne koristi in prednosti za ponudnike kulturne dediščine z uvajanjem IKT rešitev v okviru dejavnosti in zakaj bo dialog s ponudniki IKT storitev in izdelkov v prihodnosti neizogiben? Kako vzpostaviti takšen dialog in ga vzdrževati ob izjemno hitrem razvoju IKT?
Katere so specifike, ki jih morajo ponudniki IKT upoštevati v odnosu do ponudnikov kulturne dediščine (muzeji, galerije...)?
Katera so ključna področja uporabe IKT v odnosu do končnih uporabnikov / koristnikov kulturnih dobrin?

Več informacij o delavnici:

Program delavnice:

Registracija udeležencev:

Za vse, ki se ne morete udeležiti delavnice v Hamburgu, smo omogočili dve možnosti aktivne udeležbe na svetovnem spletu:

1. V času trajanja delavnice imate možnost udeležbe na Twitter-ju. Sledite  @eCultObs. "Hashtag" bo objavljen 2 dni pred delavnico.
2. Pred dogodkom nam lahko pošljete kratka stališča ali vprašanja, navezujoča se na tematiko delavnice za popoldansko sodelovanje na BarCamp-u. Prosimo uporabite kontaktni formular, Zadeva: "Hamburg Workshop" in pošljite stališče ali vprašanje neposredno naslovljeno na eno od tematskih sklopov: "Museum - Technology – Intermediaris/users".

Pridružite se nam na Facebook-u:

Za podrobnejše informacije nas kontaktirajte:

Partnerji dogodka:
European Society of Concurrent Enterprising Network (ESOCE), Italy
Research and Innovation Centre in Information, Communication and Knowledge Technologies ATHENA (ATHENA RC / IMIS), Greece
European Multimedia Forum (EMF), United Kingdom
Association for Culture and Education KIBLA (ACE KIBLA), Slovenia
The European Museum Forum (TEMF), United Kingdom
Cultural Heritage on Line (CHOL), France

V sodelovanju z  MAXICULTURE

eCultValue platforma:

Projekt eCultValue je podprt s strani Sedmega okvirnega programa (FP7).






Neformalno izobraževanje

Spremljevalni program

Sodelovanja in gostovanja








Festival ljubezni 2008-2012

Dnevi radovednosti 1997-2011

Ciklus (DA)(NE)S

Projekti, koprodukcije in mednarodna sodelovanja

Aktualni projekti
  - RUK
  - Digitalni dediščinski inkubator (DDI)
  - Virtualni multimodalni muzej (ViMM)
  - Ruritage
  - Caravan NEXT
  - Mreža multimedijskih centrov
  - X-OP


Zaključeni projekti

Naročilo obvestil

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Nagrada e-odličnost 2008

MULTIMEDIJSKI CENTER KIBLA / Ulica kneza Koclja 9, 2000 Maribor, Slovenija, Evropa
telefon: 059 076 371 ali 059 076 372 / e-pošta: kibla@kibla.org