EVA LondonEVA London 2018 conference was taking place from Monday 9th July – Thursday 12th July 2018, including a (invited) Symposium on Monday 9th July 2018 and a further Research in Education event by invitation for universities on Friday 13th July 2018. Peter Tomaž Dobrila from KIBLA was present for the ViMM project solely on a conference, which brought together artists, designers, researchers, technologists from all over the world, to discuss electronic visualisation technologies in art, design, music, dance, theatre, the sciences and more through demonstrations, panel sessions, exhibits, performances. EVA London 2018 was held at the BCS (British Computer Society) London offices.
Conference was very interesting with art & technology core and much compliant with the ViMM themes including the use of new and emerging technologies in Digital Art Data, Scientific and Creative Visualisation Digitally Enhanced Reality and Everyware 2D and 3D Imaging, Display and Printing Mobile Applications Museums and Collections Music, Performing arts, and Technologies Open Source and Technologies Preservation of Digital Visual Culture Virtual Cultural Heritage Distinguished keynote speakers and panel discussions introduced each conference day and opened certain topics for later demonstrations, in which artists, technicians and presenters with interactive and highly visual material revealed their projects and ideas to the audience and after each talk most important issues were discussed publicly.
A night before the conference start and as its closing event Digital Futures exhibition was installed and displayed with several digital art works by different artists that work or study in London. It made a perfect wrap-up of the full theory and practice schedule during those three days.
I presented the ViMM project and platform to many conference participants, speakers, presenters, organisers and others with and invitation to join our community and get involved with the ViMM contents and concepts.
In London I also checked future EVA conferences, which might be of the ViMM interest and I recommended to our partner consortium for follow its platform as it really tackles cultural heritage and (digital) technology as artistic and scientific approach.
Peter Tomaž Dobrila
