
UN/GREEN. Naturally Artificial Intelligences

UN/GREEN. Naturally Artificial Intelligences
RIXC Festival conference
Riga, July 4–7, 2019

In a response to numerous requests, we are extending the deadline for "UN/GREEN. Naturally Artificial Intelligences", this year's RIXC Festival conference submissions, taking place in Riga, July 4–7, 2019. The Extended Deadline: March 15, 2019!

Apply here: festival2019.rixc.org


Photo Credits: GAMMAvert (1998–2016), an X-SEA-SCAPES by Jan-Peter E.R.
Sonntag (DE). The Kitchen, New York, 2006

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UN/GREEN. Naturally Artificial Intelligences
RIXC Festival and the 4th Open Fields conference on Art-Science Research
July 4 – 7, 2019,
Venue: The Latvian National Museum of Art, Riga


The RIXC Festival 2019 aims at complicating the pervasively employed notion of “green” by providing a cross-disciplinary platform for the discussions and artistic interventions exploring one of the most paradoxical and broadest topics of our times. The festival will feature the “Un/Green” exhibition opening that takes place in the Latvian National Museum of Art, and the 4th Open Fields conference which aims to ‘un-green greenness', 'Eco-systematically' reconnect 'post-human postures', and discover and unpack ‘Naturally Artificial Intelligences.’

'Green’, symbolically associated with the ‘natural’ and employed to hyper-compensate for what humans have lost, will be addressed as the indeed most anthropocentric of all colours, in its inherent ambiguity between alleged naturalness and artificiality. Are we in control of ‘green’? Despite its broadly positive connotations ‘green’ incrementally serves the uncritical desire of fetishistic and techno-romantic naturalization in order to metaphorically hyper-compensate for material systemic biopolitics consisting of the increasing technical manipulation and exploitation of living systems, ecologies, and the biosphere at large.

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The 4th Open Fields conference on Art-Science Research,
July 4 – 7, 2019
Venue: The Latvian National Museum of Art, Riga

Alongside 'green', the central topic of this conference, the Open Fields 2019 organizers also welcome visionary and critically un-green, spectral-prismatic, post-anthropocentric, and socio-algorithmic proposals by artists, scientists, researchers and experts from different academic disciplines and professional fields.

You may submit proposals with regards to the following topics / sections:

* green/ungreen – 'symbolic green, ontological greenness and performative greening'
* biopolitics and ecotopia – beyond the anthropocene, towards multi-species relations
* ‘green’ intelligence – environment and naturally AI within algorithmic societies
* post-anthropocentric visions – 'nature culture' and eco-critique
* sensible ‘green’ – beyond the  visual: acoustic, olfactive, chemical, etc.
* biosphere and technosphere - techno-ecological perspective of our planet and in Space
* prismatic – color theories, light and perception

DEADLINE for Conference Proposal submissions (extended): March 1, 2019

APPLY NOW! (using the openconf system):

The proposal should consist of title, 6 keywords, abstract (200 words), and biography (120 words, in the “Comments” field).

* Notifications, Conference Registration, Travel and Accommodation

Notifications of acceptance – by March 20, 2019. The selected participants of the Open Fields 2019: UnGreen conference will be asked to register online; the Early Bird registration will be open from March 20, 2019. There will be limited number of travel grants available for independent artists and researchers, primarily supporting artists from Eastern Europe and Baltics.

More information on Registration Fees, Accommodation possibilities in Riga, and how to apply for travel grants, will be available on UN/GREEN website by March 20, 2019:


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RIXC Festival 2019 Exhibition
July 5 – September 22, 2019
The Latvian National Museum of Art, Riga

The Open Fields 2019 Conference will be closely connected to UN/GREEN, the large-scale exhibition, which will be complicating, deconstructing and re-visiting the notion of 'green', by 'un-greening greenness'.

Submissions for artwork proposals for UN/GREEN Exhibition are closed (February 15, 2019)

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Photo Credits: GAMMAvert (1998–2016), an X-SEA-SCAPES by Jan-Peter E.R. Sonntag (DE). The Kitchen, New York, 2006

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N/AI – Naturally Artificial Intelligences
Summer School and RIXC "Fields" Art Residency
June 20 / June 30 – July 4, 2019

This year RIXC is launching a new program – Summer School and Fields Residencies (as pre-event series of RIXC Festival) for young and emerging artists, who are interested in cutting-edge artistic researches on AI, VR and other new technologies of augmentation and immersion, with particular focus ecologies, biological systems, and socio-cultural implications. By exploring the notion of 'naturally artificial intelligences' this Summer School aims to enhance the notion of AI, to explore the intelligent systems within and beyond the neural networks – such as, for instance, in the nature, as well as to develop new taxonomies and methodologies for creating "techno-ecological" artworks.

The Summer School will include Lectures and Masterclasses on Art, Biology and AI, Eco-systematic Intelligence, Virtual Ecologies and Gardening. Summer School will have close connection to the Un/Green, RIXC Festival exhibition production, the curators of which – Jens HAUSER and Raitis SMITS – will share their knowledge on exhibition production processes.

In parallel to the Summer School, the artists in residency will be working in rural site, setting up "techno-ecological" artworks in out-door spaces. The results of both – the Residencies and Summer School – will be presented for the international audiences during the RIXC Festival Conference, taking place from July 5–7, 2019.

* Submissions and Participation Info:

Call for the Residencies and Summer School will be open from March 15, 2019.

The places are limited: for the Residency 3 artists or artists groups will be selected, and for the Summer School – maximum 12 students from (master and doctoral level students).

The selected participants will be responsible about their travel and accommodation costs. There also will be registration fees for summer school, and possibility to obtain creditpoints, as well as to apply for the travel grants (partial support) more information will follow soon on the festival website.






Neformalno izobraževanje

Spremljevalni program

Sodelovanja in gostovanja








Festival ljubezni 2008-2012

Dnevi radovednosti 1997-2011

Ciklus (DA)(NE)S

Projekti, koprodukcije in mednarodna sodelovanja

Aktualni projekti
  - Vključevanje otrok in družin v uporabo novih tehnologij
  - Smer: kulturna dediščina
  - RUK
  - Digitalni dediščinski inkubator (DDI)
  - Virtualni multimodalni muzej (ViMM)
  - Ruritage
  - Caravan NEXT
  - Carnval
  - Mreža multimedijskih centrov
  - X-OP


Zaključeni projekti

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MULTIMEDIJSKI CENTER KIBLA / Ulica kneza Koclja 9, 2000 Maribor, Slovenija, Evropa
telefon: 059 076 371 ali 059 076 372 / e-pošta: kibla@kibla.org