
MMSU Rijeka Risk Change Open Call for citizens

The Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Rijeka announces an
OPEN CALL for artworks
for *We’re not Like Them* exhibition, which is to be held as the fourth episode of the EU project RISK CHANGE
MMSU, Rijeka, 26 September to 10 November 2019

Cordial or cold? Two-faced and fanatic? Pacific or aggressive? In the final episode of RISK CHANGE, we deal with prejudices with which we construct the picture about others, but we also address the question of how others see us. On the intersection of contemporary art, anthropology and social psychology, we examine an unusual glossary containing the terminology of ‘the other’ – a neighbor, a stranger, a newcomer.

Photo credits: Manon Avram & Pierre Audouard – Chacun sa Place (artwork from the exhibition Escape)


The artworks will be selected by the jury of five members – the MMSU curators Katerina Jovanović, Ksenija Orelj, Sabina Salamon, Marina Tkalčić and Vana Gović (Maritime and History Museum of the Croatian Littoral). The selected works will be shown in an exhibition that will be held from 26 September to 10 November 2019.

Open call closes on 14 July 2019

The application must contain:
– name, surname, address, telephone number, e-mail address
– CV
– description of the work and work documentation (sketch, photo, video etc)
– technical information about the way the work is displayed

Guidance notes for applicants:
– each author can send only one proposal
– the authors can propose a new work or an existing work
– the applications are sent to stereotypes.mmsu@gmail.com, with a note ‘For the exhibition’
– the author’s net fee is HRK 3.400,00 (450 €) if it is an already existing work (regardless of whether the applicant is an art collective or an individual author), and HRK 5.600,00 (750 €) if it is a new artwork created for the exhibition We’re Not Like Them. MMSU covers the expenses of artwork transport and travel and accommodation expenses. MMSU doesn’t cover extra production costs.

The open call closes on 14 July 2019, while the decision about the selected proposals will be published by 30 July 2019.

The program is supported by the EU program Creative Europe, the Croatian Ministry of Culture and the City of Rijeka.

The exhibition is part of the programme line Kitchen, within the ECOC Rijeka 2020.

The contents of this open call do not express the opinion of the EU program Creative Europe, the Croatian Ministry of Culture and the City of Rijeka, but only the opinions and stands of the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art.






Neformalno izobraževanje

Spremljevalni program

Sodelovanja in gostovanja








Festival ljubezni 2008-2012

Dnevi radovednosti 1997-2011

Ciklus (DA)(NE)S

Projekti, koprodukcije in mednarodna sodelovanja

Aktualni projekti
  - Vključevanje otrok in družin v uporabo novih tehnologij
  - Smer: kulturna dediščina
  - RUK
  - Digitalni dediščinski inkubator (DDI)
  - Virtualni multimodalni muzej (ViMM)
  - Ruritage
  - Caravan NEXT
  - Carnval
  - Mreža multimedijskih centrov
  - X-OP


Zaključeni projekti

Naročilo obvestil

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Nagrada e-odličnost 2008

MULTIMEDIJSKI CENTER KIBLA / Ulica kneza Koclja 9, 2000 Maribor, Slovenija, Evropa
telefon: 059 076 371 ali 059 076 372 / e-pošta: kibla@kibla.org