Following a decade of creative work, poet, story-writer and performer Simona Kopinšek is breaking away from her typical theme of love, and deals with what is today an indispensable subject: BESNILO:TESNILO! (MADNESS:DURESS!). Repressed anger and rage have namely become a constraint to human relationships, but even more than that: anger and rage spree from a part of the subconscious that dictates the individual's reactions. Emotion repression is a straight path to a state of depression, possibly to medicine consumation, which transforms people into withered plants. In today's society there's more and more people who are "mentally impaired", and a conviction that "anybody that's angry or enraged ... is a threat". A direct threat to their nearest surrounding, and an indirect threat to the authorities that demand obediance. The creative team supporting Simona Kopinšek on this occasion, does not entirely agree with that, and will, with a direct and versatile intertwinement of expression, set up yet another mirror and all but just friendly faces:
Simona Kopinšek (poetry, voice) Nebojša Beković (poetry, voice) Marko Luk (electronics) Tilen Turk (flute) Aleš Pogorevčnik (image)
Support: EU-EACEA, Culture program Brussels, Ministry of culture, Municipality of Maribor, Office of the Republic of Slovenia for Youth. Photos (Boštjan Lah)