Jose Saramago: Gospel According to Jesus Christ - book presentation Presentation of a novel O evangelho segundo Jesus Cristo written by a Nobel laureate Jose Saramago.
Za:misel Bookstore invited you to the presentation of the novel Gospel According to Jesus Christ, written by Nobel laureate Jose Saramago, that took place on Thursday, 15th of December 2005 at 18.00 (6 pm) in MMC Kibla. This controversial novel was presented by its translator Barbara Juršič Terseglav and Zdravko Duša. Barbara Juršič Terseglav won an award for the best young translator of the year 2005 for her suggestive translation of Gospel According to Jesus Christ which was published by Cankarjeva Založba (Cankar Publishing House) this autumn. In 2005 she has also translated a novel by Mia Couto, The Last Flight of the Flamingo, which has been presented in Kibla in June 2005.
From the beginning, when Joseph doesn't prevent the killing of innocent children, guilt is a constant companion of biblical characters in the Gospel According to Jesus Christ. After some time the crucifiction befalls Joseph, as does his son Jesus later on. The growing up of the Son of God on Earth, his living among the fishers, his relationship with Mary Magdalene, sarcastic discussions between Satan, God and Jesus, picturesque, sometimes ironic scenes from the Holy Bible –all this enraptured and excited the readers of the greatest Saramago masterpiece which has recieved both high praise and heavy controversy.
Presentation of the book took place on December the 15th, 2005 at 18.00 (6pm) in MMC Kibla, Ulica Kneza Koclja 9, Maribor. |