ZA:MISEL bookstore - archiveArchive of the events organised by Za:misel bookstore:
2016 Predstavitev knjige Užitek in nelagodje: ženska podoba in seksualno 20. stoletja (4. 2. 2016)
2015 Mateja Ratej: Begunstvo profesorja Tofana, predstavitev knjige (15. 12. 2015) Nataša Smolič: Študija za portret sence, Francis Bacon, predstavitev knjige (4. 6. 2015) Valentinovi sinovi, literarno-glasbeni nocturno (14. 2. 2015)
2014 Ruski diptih. Iz življenja ruske emigracije v Kraljevini SHS (18. 12. 2014) Mateja Ratej: Človek v času, predstavitev knjige (16. 1. 2014)
2013 Bojan Sedmak: Zdaj za prej pozneje - predstavitev knjige (18. 4. 2013)
2012 Literary magazine presentation: Lichtungen nr. 129/2012 (Tuesday, 24. 4. ) Verses detached (Tuesday, 24. 4. ) Zdenka Badovinac: AVTENTIČNI INTERES (Wednsday, 21. 3.) Janez Vrečko: SREČKO KOSOVEL. MONOGRAFIJA (Thursday, 22. 3.) Tomaž Kosmač: VARNOST (Safety) (Thursday, 1. 3. ) Lučka Zorko: VREŠČEČE ČERI (Wednsday, 15. 2.) Book presentation ETERNAL TREBLINKA (Saturday, 11. 2.) BESNILO:TESNILO! (Friday 27. 1. 2012)
2011 Simona Kopinšek: The Invisible Gates to the South Side of the Sky (Saturday, 26.11.2011) In the memory of Tone Pavček (Wednsday, 9.11.2011) GODALIKA & PERSONAL (Wednsday, 2.11.2011) Andrej Medved: GARDENS OF METAPHORS, GLOOMY WATER LILIES OF PLEASURES (Wednsday, 26.10.2011 Mojca Kumerdej: TEMNA SNOV / DARK MATTER - book presentation (Tuesday, 17.5.2011) Dušan Jovanović: NISEM - book presentation (Wednsday, 11.5.2011) Peter Andrej: THE LEFT AND THE RIGHT BANK, poetry of young poets of Maribor put to music (Wednsday, 20.4.2011) Herman Potočnik Noordung: "The Problem of Space Travel - The Rocket Motor" - book presentation (Tuesday, 19.04.2011) TALKING HUMANITIES – Andrej Medved: Pictura poesis (Thursday, 3.3.2011) TALKING HUMANITIES – Michel Foucault: The Birth of the Clinic (Thursday, 24.2.2011) ALL-ROUND PROSE COMPETITIONS 2011 (Thursday, 17.2.2011)
2010 SAME BABE – Poetry of Janez Menart put to music (Thusday, 7.12.2010) TALKING HUMANISM Gilles Deleuze: Essays Critical and Clinical (Thursday, 2.12.2010) HUMANISTIČNI RAZGOVORI – Tine Hribar: Ena je groza (Wednsday, 10.11.2010) RUBY MEETS THE GUITAR – an evening of literature and music with Erika Vouk and Boštjan Narat (Wednesday, 3.11.2010) The poetry of Mila Kačič put to music – Katja Šulc with band (Tuesday, 2.11.2010) Nejc Gazvoda: V petek so sporočilo, da bo v nedeljo konec sveta – book presentation (Thursday, 28.10.2010) Aleš Šteger: Knjiga teles – book presentation (Thursday, 26.10.2010) Simona Kopinšek / Antahkaran in drugi obrazi Lepote (Antahkaran and Other Faces of Beauty) - book presentation (Thursday, 3.6.2010) Philip Hill: Schizphrenia, my fellow traveller and Renata Ažman: Depra - book presentation (Thursday, 27.5.2010) Jaka Tomc: Zgodba o Davidu Locku / The Story on David Locke - book presentation (Thursday, 20.5.2010) Andrej Morovič / In si tu - book presentation (Monday, 8.3.2010) Fabula film festival - screening of best student films (Thursday, 28.1.2010) Aleksij Kobal / Glas (Voice) - book presentation (Thursday, 21.1.2010)
2009 EKRAN Magazine Presentation (Tuesday, 22.12.2009) KLIK Magazine Presentation (Thursday, 17.12.2009) Tanja Lesničar-Pučko / Na preži (On the Prowl) - book presentation (Tuesday, 8.12.2009) Mitja Potočnik / Brdo Castle trough Centuries - book presentation (Thursday, 3.12.2009) Marko Vezovišek / Kuba Libre - book presentation (Thursday, 26.11.2009) Milan Dekleva - presentation of the author (Tuesday, 24.11.2009) Nara Petrovič / GOD - user manual - book presentation (Tuesday, 17.11.2009) Mea Valens / Milost (Grace) - book presentation (Tuesday, 10.11.2009) Feri Lainšček: Poems for a female voice and bells - presentation of a collection of poems (Thursday, 6.11.2009) FOLIO & FAIR - magazine presentation and round table (Friday, 16.10.2009) Bojan Humski: STAF - book presentation (Tuesday, 7.7.2009) Slovenian Book Days in Kibla (Friday, 24.4.2009) Presentation of Che's diaries and discussion with the translator Jadran Sterle (Thursday, 16.4.2009) Jurij Popov: PROSTITUTION (Thursday, 19.3.2009) Mitja Čander: AN ENVELOPED MOVE (Wednesday, 18.3.2009) O! KULT: ZA LJUDI 1982-87 - A presentation of archive DVD and work of the O! KULT group (Thursday, 12.3.2009) The Truths of Life - a presentation of the book (Saturday, 28.2.2009) Poetry evening with Jan Cvitkovič and Feo Volarič (Tuesday, 24.2.2009) In the beginning, there was Troy - presentation of the book by Borut Korun (Thursday, 12.2.2009) Fabula festival - Ingo Schulze (Wednesday, 11.2.2009) Sun and laughter in savanna - presentation of the book IQBALL HOTEL (Thursday, 5.2.2009) Film evening - screening of 10 student short films competing for Proteus award (Thursday, 22.1.2009)
2008 Emzin Magazine and Arne Hodalič in Kibla (Thursday, 27.11.2008) Kibla at 24th Book Fair in Cankarjev dom (26. - 30.11.2008) Zoran Predin in Kibla (Tuesday, 25.11.2008) Beti Žerovc, Curator and contemporary art. Conversations - book presentation and discussion (Tuesday, 18.11.2008) Andrej Morović - Progres, book presentation (Wednesday, 8.10.2008) Nezvestoba/Infidelity, book presentation (Wednesday, 1.10.2008) Looking through the keyhole - discussion on media (Thursday, 17.6.2008) Labyrinths of love in Slovenian literature (Monday, 16.6.2008) The poet Jan Šmarčan in Kibla (Thursday, 29.5.2008) Beletrina spring reading in Kibla (Wednesday, 21.5.2008) Talk with Jurij Hudolin (Thursday, 15.5.2008) The Grand Final Marathon of the 11th Slovenian Book Days (Friday, 25.4.2008) World Book Day - talk with Boris Pahor (Wednesday, 23.4.2008) Fabula story festival: Vladimir Arsenijević (Thursday, 14.2.2008) Fabula story festival: Macedonian literature (Wednesday, 6.2.2008) KinoFabula (Thursday, 31.1.2008) Dr. France Bučar: Rojstvo države (Thursday, 24.1.2008)
2007 Presentation of the book Na zeleno vejo by Andrej Predin (Monday, 17.12.2007) December literary event with Marko Zorko (Thursday, 13.12.2007) Talk with Dr Gregor Tomc (Wednesday, 5.12.2007) The Enigma of the Gift (Monday, 3.12.2007) Alan Macfarlane and his Letters to Lily (Thursday, 15.11.2007) Conversation with Iztok Geister (Wednesday, 14.11.2007) Presentation of magazines Bukla and Premiera (wednesday, 17.10.2007) Presentation of magazines Klik and Ambient (wednesday, 10.10.2007) Projection of the documentary film Ibogaine - The rite of passage (tuesday, 9.10.2007) Presentation of the book Človek: navodila za uporabo (Man: Handling instructions) (tuesday, 9.10.2007) Irena Mihelič: Hiša Marije pomočnice - mono play (thursday, 7.6.2007) Double literary evening with Gašper Bivšek and Nejc Gazvoda (Tuesday, 5.6.2007) Aleš Čar: Made in Slovenia - book presentation (Tuesday, 29.5.2007) Presentation of the book by Denis Poniž Trnje v Arakdiji (Thorns in Arcadia) (Thursday, 10.5.2007) Book Week: Presentation of the book Bomži by Andrej Naterer (Tuesday, 24.4.2007) Book Week: The big final literary marathon (Monday, 23.4.2007) Book Week: multimedia presentation by Vladimira Rejc (Saturday, 21.4.2007) Book Week: Julien Maire and DIGIT (Thursday, 19.4.2007) Conversation with Rastko Močnik about Julija and the men she inspired (Thursday, 1.3.2007) Lamija Begagić, guest of Fabula festival (Wednesday, 31.1.2007) Fabula festival presents Montenegro writer Andrej Nikolaidis (Thursday, 25.1.2007)
2006 Marcel Štefančič jr.: Route 66 and photographies by Borut Krajnc (Wednesday, 22.11.2006) Prozni mnogoboji - literary competition (Thursday, 9.11.2006) Jožek Horvat - Muc: AMaro drom - Naša pot - book presentation and discussion (Wednesday, 18.10.2006) Esad Babačić: Divan - book presentation, discussion and projection (Tuesday, 10.10.2006) Goran Samardžić: Forrest spirit - book introduction and discussion (Monday, 11.9.2006) Vesna Milek: Če (If) - book introduction and discussion (Tuesday, 13.6.2006) Traditions in east asian cultures and modernism (Friday, 9.6.2006) Science doesn't bite (Thursday, 1.6.2006) Jurij Hudolin: Objestnost (Wantonness) - book presentation (Tuesday, 30.5.2006) Meta Kordiš: poster between the world wars in Ljubljana - book presentation (Thursday, 18.5.2006) Oto Luthar: The History of the Historical Thought from Homer to the 21st Century (Tuesday, 9. 5.2006) The great final literary marathon /Book Week/ (Saturday, 22.4.2006) Jernej Terseglav: Evening of grafomania /Book Week/ (Friday, 21.4.2006) Tomaž Čelig: Fetish - multimedia poetry presentation /Book Week/ (Thursday, 20.4.2006) Presentation of the activites of Maska Institute /Book Week/ (Wednesday, 19.4.2006) Dragan Sakan: NEW - book presentation and New moment exhibition /Book Week/ (Tuesday, 18.4.2006) Samo Resnik - book presentation and discussion (Tuesday, 21.3.2006) Eternal Treblinka: Our Treatment of Animals and Holocaust (Thursday, 9.3.2006) Peter Simonič: Carnival in Maribor - book presentation (Wednesday, 22.2.2006) Toby Litt - book presentation and discussion (Wednesday, 15.2.2006) Miljenko Jergović - book presentation and discussion (Wednesday, 1.2.2006)
2005 Jose Saramago: Gospel According to Jesus Christ - book presentation (Thursday, 15.12.2005) Gregor Strniša: Vesolje (Universe) - poet's 75th birth anniversary (Friday, 25.11.2005) Happy Birthday, Za:misel bookstore (Friday, 11.11.2005) |



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