Marko Jakše, Rok Predin and Bojana Križanec at the Art Fair Nesvrstani  Marko Jakše, Rok Predin and Bojana Križanec at the Art Fair Nesvrstani Just an Illusion 29 June–3 July 2022 Lauba – House for People and Art, Zagreb
Painters Marko Jakše and Rok Predin and sculptor Bojana Križanec will present their works this year at the Boutique Art Fair Nesvrstani (Non-Aligned), which takes place from 29 June to 3 July 2022 in Lauba – House for People and Art in Zagreb, Croatia. You are cordially invited, admission is free!
More: http://nesvrstani.hr/hr/, https://www.lauba.hr/
Just an illusion
In the age of illusionism and illusory reality (Illusional Reality), which under the guise of freedom exercises (total) control over people and society by various means, political, economic, legal, scientific, technological, psychological, repressive in many forms, the term »free artist« seems like an illusion, virtual reality (Virtual Reality) and concretization in the broadest sense of the word. Abstraction Concretisation. While it is an illusory simulation of the real (Simulational Reality), performances, and creations.
Materialization is realized through processes and procedures, thoughts and ideas are set and composed, imaginations become reality, and the action takes place in a medium that is close to us, it is as much ours as (only) its own. Painting, computer drawing and stone sculpture pull the rope from the prehistoric era to the here and now, uncover traces, reanimate events, and convey them in their own autonomous and indigenous states. As chemical compounds whose elements are complementary not only in circles, spirals, and attractions but also in the unattractiveness and reflections that form the internal tensions of the exhibited works of art.
Marko Jakše is one of those who could be placed in as many different periods, styles, procedures, and materials as possible. He is a painter who sculpts, he is a constructor who builds, his paintings are created as architectural creations built by stroke and shaped by color. Slowly and gradually. He is a poet who puts verses into images, he is a writer who layers stories as if they were happening in one gesture as if life were unfolding before our eyes in one swing. Instant and flashy. He is an artist, and although he would not agree with this term, he is one of the greatest contemporary artists, which he would not like again, he is a master, author-specific and original, which can not be placed in any trends, although many have tried. It sounded more or less superficial and mediocre. Marko Jakše: »Did you cry again, my love?« »Oh yeah! And I'm still crying. I'll cry forever.«
Rok Predin, painter, illustrator, designer, and especially a creative, who draws inspiration for his work from the art of »his world« and selects materials in accordance with the project, tackles the project comprehensively, gets acquainted with space, and says: »It's hard to describe such a thing. when you visually recreate a house from your childhood, but only from memory, by highlighting things that seem important to you. You can repopulate your memory with characters, and that’s my favorite. I love the process the most, maybe even more than the final product, because I can be there again, running around our house, in a world that is idealized, embellished, and, of course, a bit caricatured.« His clients also include Queen Elizabeth and big music names like The Rolling Stones, Elton John, U2, Take That, and Madness; he also participated in the realization of an animated video for the legendary group The Beatles.
Bojana Križanec is a comprehensive visual artist and universal sculptor with her own, original approach. With recognizable authorial style and wide, the completely unique design of various materials, stone, ceramics, and used colors she expresses specific motifs to abstracted forms, into which she weaves the colors obtained by combining different stones or applying them with the glaze on ceramics, which has brought her also international visibility and numerous awards and recognitions. As geometric rules govern the universe, the purity and versatility of forms allude to reality in its multiplicities that connect world cultures and compose civilization in harmony of diversity, physical and spiritual, material and philosophical, sensitive and perceptible.
A human is a living being, he is a part of nature like everything else, be it an animal or a plant, earth, water, air, fire, or stone. Thus, the painting and the sculpture are a narrative of life, full of symbolic meanings, acceptance of the external, and perception of the internal. Relationships in them, between them, and with us open dialogue spaces, which through expressive, unique, and own poetics, themselves, individually, within their own compositions and internal structures ask questions and perhaps also show answers. In joint interactions a unique medium that opens us the field of our interpretations is established, allows us to walk among them over millions and billions of years, captures the water in the palm of our hand, quenches our thirst, and invites us on a trip. Images of the world, images of ancestors and parables of descendants, Images from Dreams with the Lord Captain (author Ivan Cankar) at the head are a company that does not march, but floats. Like the World in Space and Art.
Peter Tomaž Dobrila Photo: Peter Tomaž Dobrila


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