PERSONAL, International Interdisciplinary Art ExhibitionPERSONAL, International Interdisciplinary Exhibition KIBLA PORTAL, Maribor, Slovenia Opening on Friday, 5 October 2018, at 7 p. m. 5 October 2018–29 December 2018
Personal is this year's title and theme of the international interdisciplinary art show, which is carried out as part of the four-year project Risk Change. The opening ceremony was on Friday, 5 October 2018, in Maribor's KIBLA PORTAL. Exhibition showcase over 100 art works by forty national and foreign artists.
Exhibiting artists: Jozef Suchoža (Slovak Republic): Di_visio (curated by Alena Vrbanová), Nataša Prosenc Stearns (Slovenia/USA), Jože Slaček (Slovenia), Jiři Kočica (Slovenia), Jure Fingušt (Slovenia), Janez Kardelj (Slovenia), Maruša Šuštar (Slovenia), Tadej Vaukman (Slovenia), Maša Jazbec (Slovenia) and Zoran Poznič (Slovenia), Artists&Poor's (Slovenia), Radovan Kunić (Croatia), Boštjan Novak (Slovenia), Dragica Čadež (Slovenia), Anka Krašna (Slovenia), Selma Selman (Bosnia and Herzegovina / USA), Nikita Shalenny (Ukraine), Miha Erjavec (Slovenia), Nataša Berk (Slovenia), Vlado Repnik (Slovenia), Simon Macuh (Slovenia), OR poesis (Slovenia), Martin Kohout (Czech Republic / Germany), Marija Ančić (BiH), Meggy Rustamova (Georgia / Belgium);
Tincuta Heinzel and Hillevi Munthe, curators – Attempts, Failures, Trials and Errors: Teresa Almeida (PT/UK/SE), Beam (NL), Shih Wei Chieh (TW), Kate Sicchio (US) & Camille Baker (CA/UK), Renata Gaui (BR/US), Shary Kock (NL), Aline Martinez Santos (BR/DE), Afroditi Psarra (EL/US), Annette Schmid & Veerle Pennock (DE/NL), Zoran Popovici (RO), Natacha Roussel (FR/BE), Vitalii Shupliak (UA/PL), Giulia Tomasello (IT/UK), Pauline Vierne (FR/DE), ZEST Collective (RO), Ebru Kurbak (TR/AT), Mili John Tharakan (IN/UK), Rebecca Stewart (US/UK), Anna Biro (CA/RO), Tincuta Heinzel (RO/UK), Corina Andor (RO), Anca Badut (RO/CA), DZNR Design Studio (RO);
Performances by: Betina Habjanič (Slovenia), Lara Ritoša Roberts (Croatia / UK).
Is man a cultural being? Is it only the "human", that is, Homo sapiens sapiens, that is a cultural being? And Homo sapiens, the "thinking" man, is uncultured, or is he the "thinking man" at all? Science claims that man simply belongs to the great apes from the Hominidae family. At what point does man suspend what is merely necessary and open up to the possibility of a personal revelation? When does an individuum become an artist?
The precedent of art, that inner something, which drives art forward in spite of the repeated risk of being generally accepted or commonly rejected, has long since stopped being a question of unveiling the values of the civilization circus. Culture has not (yet) been made flesh, but it could be vegetable. Project Personal does not return back to civilization, but turns away and looks ahead to a culture of action, creation and existence, that is, to the essence of life in the form of an inalienable right of everyone to live as a free and cultural being. It is only then that art can happen, in the esthetic, intellectual and social sense. The critical disclosure of general opinions that have been swept under the carpet, by means of socially engaged art, which always requires personification and, especially, an open attitude towards diversity, is a way of presenting general mindlessness, non-solidarity, intolerance and unculturedness – and the more it tugs on our conscience, the more susceptible we become to change in any direction.
Location: KIBLA PORTAL, Valvasorjeva 40, Maribor, Slovenia
The exhibition is part of large-scale international events of the four-year project Risk Change (2016–2020), co-financed by the Creative Europe program of the European Union. We are also supported by the Municipality of Maribor and the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia.
Video: https://youtu.be/smJAu93pyzo
Medijske objave Osebno / Personal - arhiv:
RTV Slovenija - Boštjan Jurečič https://4d.rtvslo.si/arhiv/kultura/174566803
Radio Slovenija - Kulturna panorama https://4d.rtvslo.si/arhiv/kulturna-panorama/174566733
Radio Študent: Kulturne novice o odprtju razstave Osebno https://radiostudent.si/kultura/kulturne-novice/homo-sapiens-aestheticus-aesthetica-domum Radio Študent PDF
Večer, Kultura - Petek, 5.10.2018 Petra Zemljič, Osebno - zadnji otok preživetja v Kibla Portalu https://www.vecer.com/osebno-zadnji-otok-prezivetja-v-kibla-portalu-6585383 Večer PDF
MMC RTV, 4. 10. 2018 Tvegaj spremembo – tokrat z zasukom v umetnikov osebni pogled na svet http://www.rtvslo.si/kultura/razstave/tvegaj-spremembo-tokrat-z-zasukom-v-umetnikov-osebni-pogled-na-svet/467904 MMC RTV PDF
Photo: Dijana Božić, Kibla archive


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