MIG 21Migratory Interdisciplinary Grid international art exhibition on the topic of migrations
opening on 7 October 2016 at 7 p. m. at KIBLA PORTAL on Valvasorjeva Street 40 in Maribor.
MIG 21, an international art exhibition on the topic of migrations, opening on 7 October 2016 at 7 p. m. at KIBLA PORTAL, proposes an entirely humanist response to a clearly political question, thus connecting 50 exhibiting artists from Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia Herzegovina, Serbia, Macedonia, France, Germany, Russia, Poland, the Czech Republic, Japan, USA, Mexico, Canada and Australia.
MIG 21, Migratory Interdisciplinary Grid, international art exhibition on the topic of migrations, opening on 7 October 2016 at 7 p. m. at KIBLA PORTAL on Valvasorjeva Street 40 in Maribor.
In the abundance of various isms, we have totally disregarded the only one that truly pushes us forward as a civilization. Humanism as a political program, a surrogate and substitution to capitalism, never really got its chance in history. Indeed, we have successfully cellophaned the humanist note into various, including modern, forms of art, where we are, indeed, still holding on to it firmly for the time being, under the guise of preserving the idea of humaneness. Yet the consideration triggered by MIG 21 is interesting precisely because it proposes an entirely humanist response to a clearly political question.
MIG 21 interconnects artistic visions and humanist values with various visual, sonic, and interdisciplinary media, which is a novelty in Slovenia. The exhibition will showcase works from the fields of painting, sculpting, photography, video, fine arts, intermedia installations, bio art, and science & art research works. The artworks represent a selection of paradigms that have marked the realm of contemporary art for the last 30 years, with a special emphasis on thematic and interdisciplinary connections between the visual and the contemplative-technological-innovative.
50 national and foreign artists will be presenting their works on the topic of migrations between 7 October and 30 November 2016 at Kibla Portal, an old industrial factory hall, which was transformed into an exhibition venue: AES+F, antiAtlas of Borders, Žarko Bašeski, Mirsad Begić, Bureau d’Etudes, Julijana Božič, Jakov Brdar, Matej Čepin, Ksenija Čerče, Stanoje Čebić, Vuk Ćosić, Heather Dewey-Hagborg, Tina Dobrajc, Adam Donovan, Jure Fingušt, Metod Frlic, Jusuf Hadžifejzović, Marko Jakše, Petja Janžekovič, Jovan Joca Jovanović , Stojan Kerbler, Aleksij Kobal, Herlinde Koelbl, Oleg Kulik, Matjaž Lenhart, Zbigniew Libera, Jan Macko, Ivan Marušić Klif, Primož Novak, Nika Oblak, Ana Pečar, Špela Petrič, Alenka Pirman, Monika Pocrnjić, Matjaž Požlep, Ale de la Puente, Michal Seta, Jože Slaček, Zora Stančič, Mladen Stilinović, Robertina Šebjanič, Jože Šubic, Aphra Tesla, Jane Tingley, Raša Todosijević, Uroš Weinberger, Irena Woelle, Ulrich Wüst, Srdjan Živulović from Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia Herzegovina, Serbia, Macedonia, France, Germany, Russia, Poland, the Czech Republic, Japan, USA, Mexico, Canada and Australia.
The accompanying program will also offer live performances, artist talks, thematic lectures, workshops, presentations, and round table discussions, adding up to over 50 events in under two months of continuous happening.
The event will be held under the honorary patronage of the president of the Republic of Slovenia Borut Pahor.
The exhibition MIG 21 is the first in a series of large-scale international events of the four-year project Risk Change (2016–2020), co-financed by the Creative Europe program of the European Union. The project is also supported by the Municipality of Maribor and the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia.
Web links: www.kibla.org www.riskchange.eu www.kiblix.org
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