How I see you – video creation workshopIn July and November 2005 Kibla Association of Culture and Education organized the 'How I see you' video creation workshop in Maribor.

The workshop lasted a total of ten days, divided into two parts: the first part took place from 4th to 8th July, and the second form 2nd till 6th November 2005. The final products of the workshop were screened on 15th November 2005 in ACE Kibla.
The programme of 'How I see you' workshop combined the theory and practice of making a video or short film. In the first part, participants assumed various tasks that are required for a film to be made and learned about all phases of production.
The workshop aimed at a comprehensive study of film production: script, shooting script, shooting plan, shooting and editing.
The workshop attracted a wide interest as vacancies were filled quickly. Participants were tutored by renowned Slovenian and foreign video creators and producers: Matjaž Latin, director; Rado Likon, director of photography; Emir Jelkič, technical manager; Iztok Jan Simončič, professor at a school of applied arts; Amra Bakšić, B.A. in philosophy, producer; Dino Schreilechner workshop conductor and freelance cultural creator.
Activities were implemented in small groups, each producing its final video product using a digital video camera and equipment for digital editing. The workshop concluded with the final screening in ACE Kibla and the video product will be sent to selected festivals of video creativity across Europe.
Workshop participants: Mojca Pernat, Lena Vastl, Irena Orel, Milan Dragojevič, Miha Šubic, Mitja Mlakar, Slavko Škvorc, Vasja Eigner, Jošt Hren, Drago Horvat, Dejan Minič.
Workshop schedule The workshop was realised using the technical equipment and materials in KIT KIBLA.
1. MONDAY 04/07/2005 - Presentation of methodology and participants - Lecture – theory (contents: short history of film, image composition, camera movements, film processing, shot and frame type, watching films and learning from examples – A. Hitchock, W. Allen, L. von Trier, O. Welles) Carried out by Matjaž Latin 2. TUESDAY 05/07/2005 - Lecture – theory and tips for the script (setting the genre, shooting orientation, assigning parts), - The script and synopsis as the final product Carried out by Matjaž Latin 3. WEDNESDAY 06/07/2005 - Lecture – theory – explanation of roles in film shooting, director of photography vs. camera operator, camera basics, light, filters, camera movements, film frame composition, practical exercise for shot setting, camera angle. Carried out by Rado Likon 4. THURSDAY 07/07/2005 - Practical exercise based on the theory presented on Wednesday - Introduction into shooting script preparation, completed shooting script and shooting plan with a visit of filming locations Carried out by Rado Likon 5. FRIDAY 08/07/2005 The participants formed two teams. The team for fictional film started working at 8 am, tutored by Rado Likon. Filming inside (an apartment) and outside. The team for documentary film started at 10 am and was tutored by Emir Jelkič. In the morning rehearsal shots and shot analysis in KIT, in the afternoon shooting for a documentary film. Finally both teams were filming exterior shots at Lent. Tutors: Emir Jelkić, Rado Likon, Dino Schreilechner 6. THURSDAY 03/11/2005 - Editing - Studying examples Carried out by Jan Simončič, Dino Schreilechner 7. FRIDAY 04/11/2005 - Editing - Studying examples - Production of final product – two versions of the film, adding the music, subtitles - Making a DVD (two versions of the film from the workshop, additional 'making of' video) Carried out by Jan Simončič, Dino Schreilechner 8. SATURDAY 12/11/2005 The producer presented important bases and procedures of film production, the required steps and tools that can be supportive. She presented an existing example of film production - Ljubav na granici, agreement for film screening. The final hour was dedicated to questions of participants. Certificates on participation at the 'How I see you' workshop were given to participants. Carried out by Amra Bakšič, Dino Schreilechner 9. TUESDAY 15/11/2005 Public screening of films produced during the 'How I see you' workshop in ACE Kibla. Both final products were presented as well as The making of… showing the work behind the camera. Prepared and carried out by Dino Schreilechner, Petra Simončič, ACE Kibla team.
Public screening at the end of the "How I see you" workshopOn Tuesday, 15th November 2005, we organized public screening of films produced during the 'How I see you' workshop in ACE Kibla.
Authors of the short film are participans of the "How I see you" workshop: Milan Dragojevič, Vasja Eigner, Drago Horvat, Jošt Hren, Dejan Minič, Mitja Mlakar, Irena Orel, Mojca Pernat, Slavko Škvorc, Miha Šubic in Lena Vastl. Video Kako te vidim - video (QuickTime) Nastajanje filma - video (QuickTime)
Photo gallery, Workshop
Photo gallery, Public screening


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