Tadej Droljc: Melting Borders  Tadej Droljc: Melting Borders 9 December 2022–7 January 2023 MMC KIBLA / KiBela
You are cordially invited to the opening of the new installation by Tadej Droljc, which will take place on Friday, 9 December 2022, at 7 p.m. in the KiBela space for art.
On Earth, something is always burning. In his latest installation, Tadej Droljc takes up this statement in both its literal and metaphorical sense. The fires, which are started by a laser on a large-scale panel or in an abstracted »global landscape«, simulate the fires that have spread across the globe in the last twenty years (data taken from NASA Earth Observatory). Roughly speaking, these fires can be divided into natural fires, which are mainly the result of global warming and other kinds of climate change in recent decades, and deliberate fires: on the one hand, controlled burns of arable farmland, and on the other hand, those resulting from the exploitation of natural resources and terraforming carried out by international corporations and countries. It is not only forests and other ecosystems that are burning – in the Anthropocene and the Capitalocene, the »burning issues« are continuous crises – humanitarian, ecological, economic and social. Intrinsically linked, they are transforming the world and its borders as we know them.
Tadej Droljc is a Slovenian intermedia artist and creative programmer who works at the intersection of sound, image and light. Tadej has received the Lumen Prize Student Award for his solo work, the Dennis Smalley scholarship for electroacoustic music and the Most Promising Video Artist Award at the Madatac festival. His audiovisual research at the CeReNeM Centre for New Music Research won the Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Award, his Synspecies project won the Edigma Semibreve Award and was shortlisted for the Lumen Prize. Tadej has performed and exhibited at festivals such as Paris Biennale NEMO, Ars Electronica, L. E.V. Festival, Brighton Digital Festival, Semibreve, Lunchmeat, Node, Sonica Glasgow, etc. As part of his collaboration with Ars Electronica’s Futurelab department on the Immersify project, his work has been presented at events such as the Marché du Film – Festival de Cannes, Inter BEE Tokyo or IBC Amsterdam.
Admission is free.
MMC KIBLA / KiBela, Ulica kneza Koclja 9, Maribor Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Technical support: Project Atol
Photo: Janez Klenovšek
Photo: Janez Klenovšek