Petra Varl / Signs & KIBELA11YEARSThursday 28 January 2010 at 8 pm, Kibela - the opening of the exhibition Signs by Petra Varl. The occasion also celebrated the 11th anniversary of the operation of Kibela, space for art. The artist simultaneously presents her drawings in Maribor Art Gallery.
Petra Varl presents a series of her latest works in Kibela. The series that was first planned in the form of graphic art, eventually acquired the form of objects – signs that carry the fundamental message of the narrative. In the creative oeuvre of Petra Varl, image takes up the key position, thus presenting an important starting point for all further explorations taken up by the artist. The ensuing stories originate in her personal, intimate universe. The narrative is kept simple – in a recognisable language, which makes it easy to understand, even internalise and thus make it our own. Lines connect into visual images, which further transform into signs addressing us so convincingly that images suddenly begin to reflect our own story. Signs, similar to traffic signs that we encounter on our everyday path, as a contrast to the latter do not prohibit or warn, but speak of wishes, desires, longing, maybe even memories. They speak in the language of love. Passionate and playful, friendly, domestic love, love for our pets as well as love for all the little things that make us richer. The artistic expression is marked by a strong contour, transferring the intended message directly, but still, the image only works as a trigger that stimulates or directs the reading of a sign. The viewers are offered a starting point to project their own experience, to invent their own story. Warm colour tones with a “creamy texture”, even when the colours as such are cool, transgress the contrast provided by the prevailing black contour and supply the general hint of warmth, thus integrating the substantial concept. Therefore the space for art acquires a new dimension and becomes a space for love, friendship, play and memories. Maja Vuksanović
Petra Varl (1965, Ljubljana) studied at the Academy of Fine Arts, Ljubljana, where she also acquired her master's degree in 1997. She is active as a visual artist, creating drawings, graphic art, paintings, illustrations and ambient installations (in galleries, public and private spaces). She has presented her work at numerous solo and group exhibitions, including the Sao Paolo biennial. Since 2000, she has been working at the Department of Fine Art, Faculty of Education, University of Maribor, lecturing drawing and graphic art as an associate professor. She lives and works in Ljubljana and Maribor.
Selected Solo Exhibitions 2009, »Very Simple Drawings«, Novi Hram Gallery, Sarajevo, Bosna and Hercegovina 2009, »I Love Susak«, Atellier 513 Gallery, Susak, Croatia 2008, »Past Twenty Years«, (with Zora Stančič), MGLC, Ljubljana, Slovenia 2007, »Nette Linie« (Nice Line), (with Michael Kos), Galerie Vorspann, Eissenkappel, Austria 2006, »Pas de Deux« (with Eduard Leasjak), Kresija Galerry, Ljubljana, Slovenia 2005, »Pas de Deux« (with Eduard Lesjak), Petra Varl Studio, Ljubljana,Slovenia 2001, »Portreti«(Portraits), Galerija Loža, Koper, Slovenia 2000, »Portreti«(Portraits), Museum of Contemporary Art Celje, Celje, Slovenia 2000, »Portreti«(Portraits), Equrna Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia 1997, »Ilustracije« (Ilustrations), The Library Gallery Glinškova ploščad, Ljubljana, Slovenia 1997, »Zvezda & Odeon« RIGO Gallery, Novigrad, Hrvaška 1995, »Pita moje mame«(My Mothers Pie), Mala galerija, Ljubljana, SLovenia 1995, »Zvezda & Odeon«, Cafe Belvedere, Bled, Slovenia 1995, »Zvezda & Odeon«, Trieste, Park Sv. Ivan/S. Giovanni Park, Italia 1995, »Mestni koledar« (The City Calendar) Urbanaria (with Maja Gspan), Park Zvezda, Ljubljana 1994, »Nos ob Nos«(Nose to Nose), DSLU Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia 1994, »Nos ob nos«, (Nose to Nose), Metelkova parking lot, Ljubljana, Slovenia 1993, »Bonboniera«(The Candy Box) (with Zora Stančič), Prešernova, Kranj, Slovenia 1992, Likovni salon (with Marija Mojca Pungerčar), Celje, Slovenia 1991, »Izlog jeftinih slatkiša«(The Candy Store Display) (with Zora Stančič) ŠKUC Galerry, Ljubljana, Slovenia 1989, Galerija Studentski Grad, Belgrade, Serbia 1989, Equrna Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia 1988, »Litographies« Bežigrajska galerija (with Zora Stančič), Ljubljana, Slovenia
More about artist on: www.petravarl.com The exhibition is on view until 13 February 2010.
The exhibition is part of X-OP project, supported by European Commission – Program Culture and Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia and Municipality of Maribor. Photo gallery (photo by: Boštjan Lah)

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