Jure kelhar / Lava - Reykjavik Art Gallery, Iceland

Jure Kelhar / Lava Reykjavik Art Gallery, Iceland 30.01.2010 - 14.02.2010
*Lava * (lä'v*a*) n. melted rock thrown out by volcano; this fluid, after cooling and hardening.
Jure Kelhar was born on 20th of April 1972 in Maribor. Throughout his life he was creative on various artistic fields. Later he joined NSK artistic collective and collaborated with Laibach group on various projects. In 2003 he participated on a group exhibition in Maribor, in 2004 he prepared his first solo exhibition. In KiBela gallery he will present himself with oil on canvas paintings with volcanos and lava as main motives. Since childhood Jurij was fascinated with volcanos that represent the power of nature, destruction, sexuality... People of Hawaii believe that Kilauea is a home of godess Pele who is a divine symbol of youth and beauty. She can manifest herself as a young loving woman, or become a temptation when she turns into an ugly, dirty creature. Her anger induces eruptions.
More about artist on:
Kibela, space for art: www.kibla.org/en/sections/kibela-space-for-art/archive/kibela-arhiv/2006/kelhar-eng/
Reykjavik Art Gallery: www.reykjavikartgallery.is/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=14&Itemid=15
Facebook: www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=275629384729&ref=mf
Project was partially supported by Association for Culture and Education Kibla.
Photo gallery(olave@hive.is)