Snježana Premuš: RELATION AS ARCHITECTURE 3 Saturday 04/04/2009 at 8 pm, MMC Kibla - the third dance-improvisation-discussion event in the cycle of four evenings "Relation as architecture" by the choreographer Snježana Premuš. This time a new challenge was posed to three artists: Gregor Kamnikar, Jurij Konjar and Ignaz Schick. The discussion was hosted by Andreja Kopač.
"Relation as architecture" will present renowned Slovenian dancers active at home and in international environment. The focus will be on the interaction of the dynamic and the structural as well as the role of discursive rules with regard to external circumstances and to the basic idea or inspiration. To this end each event will be followed by an improvised discussion between the artists and the audience.
"An improviser in space is also the virtuoso of the moment, in which they recognise internal desires and intentions of the co-improviser as well as external circumstances, which they realise through decisions or movement actions. At the same time they recognise the integration of art and life as well as the balance and articulation of external circumstances, which they must take in consideration during the performance - but not at the expense of their own idea or inspiration." Snježana Premuš
Gregor Kamnikar is a researcher of physical intelligence. His research is based on contemporary dance. Within this field and outside it, he continues to be an active dancer, performer, choreographer, teacher and lecturer. He calls the researches and the use of physical intelligence Plazma (plazma.ops.si). Besides dance techniques, methods, procedures and types of work, his type of activity has been conceived with the help of skills like physical theatre training, contemporary physics, gestalt theory, modern linguistics, philosophy, Rolphing, metamorphic technique. The major part of his work has been related to the creation of the play called Commoveo, a part of which is the performance "Open from to" (http://commoveo031.ops.si), choreographed and performed by Tina Dobaj Eder and Gregor Kamnikar. As a choreographer he is currently working on M (http://m.ops.si) - a documentary on impracticability - his mother's solo. It should be mentioned that in 2007/2008 he started the very widely known project u3p (http://u3p.ops.si) - lectures, performances, talks on new Slovenian contemporary dance, also part of Darinka Novak project. He has also been a clown doctor for Red Nose campaign since 2008.
Jurij Konjar began with dancesport in Urška dance club and continued with jazz ballet, modern dance and classical ballet. In 1996 he received a training scholarship from The Urdang Accademy, London, where he completed the second year and received First Prize at a contemporary dance competition. After a car crash he returned to Slovenia to work on the Slovenian Dance Project. Having a scholarship of the Slovenian Ministry of Culture, he was accepted to PARTS dance academy, Brussels, where he completed the first two-year cycle. He then took part in creating Rien de Rien by Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui Les ballets C de la B with the ensuing two-year world tour, he participated in the performance 'SS' of HET-NET collective by Josse de Pauw and Tom Jansen, in the performance AERA improvisations by Malena Hertz in Copenhagen and in the performance Rondinella by En Knap institute from Ljubljana. When invited by STUK festival, he attended the programme Le Seminaire in Belgium together with Gabrielle Nankivell. He has been a two-times recipient of Dance Web programme scholarship within the Impuls Tanz Festival, Vienna. He has been teaching modern dance techniques in Slovenia as well as across Europe. Between March and May 2005 he was a visiting artist at Cite International des Arts, Micadanses, Paris. http://www.oxoxox.info/JurijKonjarCVslo.htm
Ignaz Schick, a Turntablist, sound artist, performer & composer. In his youth he studied the saxophone and performed in free jazz and avant rock bands. At the same time he was getting obsessed with multitrack tape machines, record players and effect boxes and he started experimenting with many different instruments and sound making devices. After college he briefly studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich and worked for several years as an assistent for the contemporary composer Josef Anton Riedl. Since the late 1995 he works and lives in Berlin where he became an active and integral force of the so-called “Berlin Nouvelle Vague” and the blossoming “real time music” scene. From the middle of the nineties onwards his interest and activities almost completely shifted towards live-electronics and after testing various instrumentations (hard- & software samplers, signal processing, contact mics, field recordings, ...) he developed his own and quite unique electro-acoustic set-up which he calls “rotating surfaces”. Various objects and materials (from wood, metal, plastic, paper or violin bows and cymbals) are played directly on the rotating metal plate of the turntable and the vibrations are simply amplified with a small condensator microphone. With this set-up he covers many different styles of contemporary experimental music – ranging from extreme reductionism via ambient, industrial, musique concrete, electronica to harsh noise. Furthermore he has been curating festivals of experimental music from the early 90s onwards (FAM, Erase & Reset, Tim Shifts, ...) Since 2005 he has realized several sound installations. http://zangimusic.de/index.php?s=02-ignaz VideoVideo Photo gallery (Archive KID Kibla)
Photo gallery (MADSTER)

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