Exhibition of photographs by the Hungarian artist Ildi Hermann: Weekend Kibela invited you to attend the exhibition opening on Wednesday 21st November 2007 at 8 pm : Ildi Hermann: Weekend.
Ildi Hermann (1978) is a representative of the young generation of Hungarian photographers. Her photographs are marked by seemingly spontaneous reality scenes, expressing the often neglected beauty of everyday life. Her exhibition in Kibela presents her most recent series of photographs titled Weekend. As a whole it functions as a sociological study, posing numerous questions related to Hungarian history and disclosing the social metamorphosis that has happened in recent decades. A distinctive sense for detail, strong hue and thoughtful combining of photographs into a composition conjure a vivid insight into life stories of common people.

The exhibition was on display until 3/12/2007.
About Ildi Hermann (1978) Education: 1998-2002: Eötvös Lóránd University, Teachers Training College, Hungarian Grammar and Literature – Culture Organiser 1997-1998: England, South Trafford College, English Language Course Photo schools: 2004: Poprad Summer Photoschool (Slovakia) 2002: Poprad Summer Photoschool (Slovakia) 2000-2002: Contact Photography Courses Scholarships, memberships: 2006: József Pécsi Scholarship 2004: Scholarship of the National Cultural Fund to the Poprad Summer Photoschool (Slovakia) From 2004: Member of the Academy of Young Photographers 2003: Tender of the Straw Foundation – special award 2002: Scholarship of the National Cultural Fund to the Poprad Summer Photoschool (Slovakia) Works: 2006: freelance photographer 2005: Prime Minister's Office, photographer, archiving 2004: Árpád Bogdán: Happy new fear, feature film, still photographer 2004: 61. Venice Filmfestival, Hungarian delegation, photographer 2004: Árpád Schilling: Overborder, short film, still photographer 2002-2004: 168 Hours (weekly newspaper) – pressphotographer 2002: Alberto Negrin: Perlasca – Story of a true man, feature film, still photographer Solo exhibitions: 2006: Space, part of the Comeround exhibitions, Retorta Gallery 2003: "Overborder" (short film, Dir.: Árpád Schilling) still photos, Odeon-Llyod Cinema 2002:"Reality show" (Isolated gypsy villages around Poprad, Slovakia), Cirko-Gejzír Cinema 2002: "Perlasca – Story of a true man" (feature film, Dir. Alberto Negrin), still photos, Uránia National Cinema 2002: "I dream about reality" (Travelling fun-fair in the countryside, Hungary), Puskin Gallery Group Exhibitions: 2006: Photomatrix – Collegium Hungaricum – Wien 2005: Green wind – A selection of Video and Photo Works by Young Artists, Budapest Autumn Festival 2005: NE(a)T – women about women, Kogart House 2005: Pictures, gypsies, gypsy-pictures, Millenáris 2004: E-verywhere, open-air exhibition, Millenáris 2004: Liptovsky Mikulas, exhibition of the Poprad Summer Photoschool (Slovakia) 2003: Centrális Gallery 2002: Poprad Summer Photoschool, joint exhibition Publishing, album: 2003: Spectacle boulevard – Budapest in the Millenium (with the text of Ottó Bence) VideoVideo Photo gallery