Art reflection »On« - On being an artist: decision or call(ing)Monday 29th September 2008 at 7 pm, the new event in Petra Kapš curator project Art reflection »On« - On being an artist: decision or call(ing).
Guests: Milena Kosec, Simon Macuh, Alenka Pirman
People used to believe that being an artist was related to a "calling", a necessity difficult to express in words, something exerting an unbearable pressure and seeking to surface. That something is either heritable (, manifested as the "divine spark" or it is the origin and momentum in unsettled relations towards the world and in intense internal struggles etc. The real causes and reasons of "being an artist" often remain a mystery. In their personal definitions and presentations artists today often prioritise being systematic and deliberate in building their professional paths and aims, meaning the organisation, realisation and presentation of "being an artist". The question is how to "become" an artist - is it a process or an event - decision or call(ing)?
How is education for art/artists conducted in Slovenia? Which tools and practices should and individual know to practice arts and where can he learn about them ( How is the transfer of knowledge and skills oriented? What is the role of residential artist programmes within international and Slovenian space? What is the vision of success for individual artists?
Key terms: artist / artistic practice / experience / education
The Art reflection »On« curator project focuses on the reflection and research of topical issues and themes, contained and addresses by contemporary art. Promoting and keeping track of artistic production, establishing meaningful, systemic and sociopolitical contexts, verifying possible interpretation models, seeking and creating new media and environments for distribution, transfer and circulation of information, opening up spaces in which art is happening, as well as analysis of individual artistic terms and concepts are issues to be included in the Art reflection »On«. By establishing the conditions and options for each event to be open (experimental), the way for an interdisciplinary approach of discussion and realization is being paved; individual situations as well as the integral project will be made up of artistic and discursive presence. Key terms: art / artist / curator / critic / reflection / interpretation / discussion / context / on
The Art reflection »On« project will include a series of ten events in 2008.
Photo gallery
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 Petra Kapš
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 Alenka Pirman
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 Simon Macuh
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 Milena Kosec
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