
Photovoltaics 09

Between 11th and 13th May 2009, the PHOTOVOLTAICS 09 workshop conducted by Bartaku (Bart Vandeput, FoAM) took place in MMC Kibla.

The workshop dedicated to the Photovoltaic Effect on U was based on Bartaku's ongoing research project PhoEf: The Undisclosed Poésis of the Photovoltaic Effect. Participants in the workshop explored the realm of photovoltaics: the conversion of light into electrical energy.

The workshop provided a hands-on session where playful observations and interactions with light were accompanied by experiments with various solar energy technologies and low power devices (without battery back up): the design of a simple pv-set up, calculate the power requirements and measure the power output using natural/artificial light. The participants learned how to make dye sensitized solar cells.

This practical part was complemented with a theoretical discussion that contextualized photovoltaics against the backdrop of the access to energy of mankind in the post-fossil fuel society.

Works of artists/creatives will be shown and discussed.

* The workshop participants had the possibility to: interact with light under various conditions; use solar cells for producing electricity for low power devices; learn how to design a solar powered system; learn the basics of measuring and calculating electrical power; learn how to make dye sensitized solar cells. Furthermore they acquired insight in the structure of the PV-market (how and where to purchase). Finally, they had the opportunity to discuss the conditions of future production and distribution of electrical energy.

The workshop is part of gRig project - Guild for Reality integrators and generators, supported by EU Culture Programme.

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MULTIMEDIJSKI CENTER KIBLA / Ulica kneza Koclja 9, 2000 Maribor, Slovenija, Evropa
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