Promotion of science in Kibla - ERA MORE You were cordially invited to actively participate at Kibla event where you were able to introduce the work of your institution and participate at the round table.
The main point of the event was introduction of the institutions on the whole or by segments, the course of the exchange of scientists from and to Europe and the extent of collaboration between scientific research and economy, respectively between the real clients of research results in Slovenia and abroad. Actually the questions here are a) Is science scene alive and mobile and b) Are the research results self sufficient and unused.
EVENT: 13th of October, Wednesday at 9am-5pm, KIBAR: promotion of mobility of European scientists and ERA MORE net, information-communication project
Topic: connection between scientific research institutes and recent demand and offer in the field of scientific research, introduction of the succesful projects by Slovenian scientists abroad and in Slovenia, introduction of the projects that were developed in Slovenia.
Form: daylong event: presentation, information market and round tables Venue: informal, cyber cafe with quick internet access
Goal: create communication channel between indvidual scientists, research institutes, Slovenian universities and companies (through ERA MORE)
Introduced scientific fields: multimedia, informational technology, humane studies, biochemical engineering, technical chemistry
Welcomed institutions:
- national level: Bistra, Scientific Reasearch Centre Bistra Ptuj, ZRC SAZU (Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts), Ljubljana, ZRS Koper (Scientific Reasearch Centre Koper), Maribor University, Technical Faculties, Faculty for Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Informatics (FERI), Jožef Štefan Institute, Directorate for the Information Society with the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology of the Republic of Slovenia, Slovenia Society of Informatics, Kiblix IT festival;
- internationa level: eContec, EUREKA, eLearn, Leonardo da Vinci, International Academy for Arts and Technology, European Acadademy for digital media (EADiM)
ZRS Bistra – exemplary case that satisfies all the segments between individual scientists, research institutes, Slovenian universities and companies. ZRS Bistra, Ptuj Bistra collaborates with all three Slovenian Universities and executes scientific researches for partners that use this researches in practical work (economy). Bistra also prepares two projects a) in the field of wine trade (mathematical model for the control of wine fermentation), b) the usage of waste material of Perutnina Ptuj for the growing of mushrooms. Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology of the Republic of Slovenia collaborates with Bistra on the last project, because the Ministry covers public invitations for Slovenian area and creates additional means that include international scientists exchange (for example with Germany, Brazil and China) with the help of bilateral scientific projects.Scientists exchange is reciprocal. This kind of exchanges are short and not connected with logistic of scientists migration.
Guest speakers: Jaka Tomc, ERA MORE, Ljubljana Dr. Bojan Pahor, ZRS Bistra, Ptuj Dr. Mateja Ratej, ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana Dr. Borut Žalik, UM FERI, Maribor Dr. Zorka Novak Pintarič, UM FKKT, Maribor
Project was supported by CMEPIUS - Center za mobilnost in evropske programe izobraževanja in usposabljana. Photo gallery



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