

Association for culture and education KIBLA promotes communication between formal and non-formal education, and thereby supports and addresses all educational institutions, as well as others, to contribute to a shared dialog in the fields of art, education, technology and science. Throughout the year, ACE KIBLA organizes numerous exhibitions and events, which provide an opportunity for a variety of institutions (kindergartens, primary schools, secondary schools and university faculties) to participate in guided tours or workshops.
The educational program is based on a non-formal and alternative approach to performing the activities, with our basic field of activity focused especially on intermedia and transmedia arts. Although the realm of intermedia arts encompasses various artistic practices that are not considered traditional art genres, these are not excluded from our educational programs. The basic principle followed by different (creative) workshops, lab situations, interactive lectures, discussions, etc., originates from the field of arts, and touches upon other domains, such as technology, science, education, and society in general.

Through various programs – such as Lekcija 9 (Lesson 9) or @Multisobota (@Multisaturday) – we are making it possible for this tendency of intermedia arts to transcend traditional artistic areas, and address other domains of society as well.


MentorKIT Rimske Toplice (6. 8. 2017)
Arduino workshop in MMC KIBLA (23. 3. 2017)
— 3ARDUINtOne, Matjaž Lenhart. Arduino robotization and 3D printer – KIBLIX 2016
— Musical Survival Kit, Monika Pocrnjić. The Musical Survival Kit consists of various components – KIBLIX 2016
— Migration of energy, Barbi Seme and Martin Seljak – KIBLIX 2016
— Short Video Workshop, Franc Vrbančič. In collaboration with the School Center Ptuj, Secondary School for Electro-technology and Computer Sciences – KIBLIX 2016
— 3D face scanning and printing, Denis Fras. In collaboration with the Secondary School of Design in Maribor – KIBLIX 2016
— Lego Robotics, Jure Pikl (Little Builders) – KIBLIX 2016


A selection of events in the field of informal education and vocational training:

Reading Group: The meaning of color (27. 6. 2024)
Reading Group: Nature and human (20. 6. 2024)
Reading Group: Word and Photography (5. 6. 2024)
Reading Group: Sound, light and a robot (25. 4. 2024)
Reading Group: In Plant Growth (18. 4. 2024)

Panel discussion: Ecology and technology – doom or gloom? (7. 12. 2023)
Reading group KIBLA + NAGIB: The Art of Living on a Damaged Planet* (22. 2.– 24. 6. 2023)

KIBLIX 2022 / Workshop: Marko Vivoda & Gjorgji Despodov (2. 12. 2022)
KIBLIX 2022 / How to Live Together When Temperatures Become Unbearable and the Economy Collapses (17. 11. 2022)
Polonca Lovšin / More-than Human: Masks/Dance (21. 10. 2022)
KIBLIX 2022 Pre-event: Kinetic-Sonic Jam with Simon Whetham (14.–16. 10. 2022)
KIBLIX 2022 Pre-event: Active listening workshop and artist talk with Simon Whetham (12. 10. 2022)
KIBLIX 2022 Pre-events / Reading Group: A Repair Manual for Spaceship Earth - Museum of Failure (13. 6. 2022)
KIBLIX 2022 Pre-events / Reading Group: A Repair Manual for Spaceship Earth - Ephemeral Screens (6. 6. 2022)
KIBLIX 2022 Pre-events / Reading Group: A Repair Manual for Spaceship Earth - Decolonizing Nature (30. 5. 2022)
KIBLIX 2022 Pre-events / Reading Group: A Repair Manual for Spaceship Earth - The Art and Politics of Sustainability (23. 5. 2022)
KIBLIX 2022 Pre-events / Reading Group: A Repair Manual for Spaceship Earth - Shit Tech for a Shitty World (16. 5. 2022)
KIBLIX 2022 Pre-events / Reading Group: A Repair Manual for Spaceship Earth - A Repair Manual for Spaceship Earth (9. 5. 2022)
KIBLIX 2022 Pre-events / Reading Group: A Repair Manual for Spaceship Earth - For an Ecological Realpolitik (3. 5. 2022)
KIBLIX 2022 Pre-events / Reading Group: A Repair Manual for Spaceship Earth - Degrowth and the City (25. 4. 2022)
KIBLIX 2022 Pre-events / Reading Group: A Repair Manual for Spaceship Earth - Toward a Hydrological Turn (19. 4. 2022)
KIBLIX 2022 Pre-events / Reading Group: A Repair Manual for Spaceship Earth - A Game of Cat's Cradle (11. 4. 2022)
KIBLIX 2022 Pre-event / Workshops: Weather House (7.–9. 4. 2022)

Artist talk: Varvara & Mar (24. 3. 2021)
Reality Business. The Prediction Imperative, webinar with BridA (9. 2. 2021)
Art, Technology, and Humanism, webinar with Tereza Teklić (KONTEJNER/CONTAINER) (2. 2. 2021)
Snow Crash, webinar with Tea Stražičić (26. 1. 2021)
The Digital Media Environment, webinar with Sara Bezovšek (19. 01. 2021)

Žiga Pavlovič: ZOOM operator
(15. and 16. 4. 2021)
Saša Spačal and Kaitlin Bryson: MycoMythologies: Storytelling Circle - Workshop 3
(6. 4. 2021)
Saša Spačal and Kaitlin Bryson: MycoMythologies: Storytelling Circle - Workshop 2
(30. 3. 2021)
Saša Spačal and Kaitlin Bryson: MycoMythologies: Storytelling Circle - Workshop 1 (23. 3. 2021)
Igor Štromajer: 3ixFń-Qé3=Miá+ (16. 3. 2021)
Igor Štromajer: 3ixFń-Qé3=Miá+ (9. 3. 2021)
Gl1t̷c̛ḩ ̸ ͢Aŕt 101 - Workshop 3: Video error techniques (2. 3. 2021)
Gl1t̷c̛ḩ ̸ ͢Aŕt 101 - Workshop 2: Basics of an image as sound (23. 2. 2021)
Gl1t̷c̛ḩ ̸ ͢Aŕt 101 - Workshop 1: Practical introduction to databending (16. 2. 2021)

From the Archives of the DIVA Station: Body and Identity
(20. 5. 2021)
From the Archives of the DIVA Station: Online and Common (29. 4. 2021)
From the Archives of the DIVA Station: Digital Performances (15. 4. 2021)
From the Archives of the DIVA Station: Digital Surfaces (1. 4. 2021)

Webinar with Maja Hodošček (21. 12. 2020)
"Is the internet dead?" (Hito Steyerl), Guest: Dina Karadžić (7. 12. 2020)
Virginia Wolf's "Own Room" and Selma Selman's "A Pink Room of Her Own."(30. 11. 2020)
The Bag as a Theory of Fiction (Ursula le Guin) and Tentacular Thinking (Donna Haraway) (26. 11. 2020)
From Quarantine with Love (Jelena Vesić) (19. 11. 2020)

Workshop 3: ANIMATED PHOTOGRAPHY 2 (17. 12. 2020)
(14. 12. 2020)
Workshop 2: MOTION GRAPHIC 2
(11. 12. 2020)
Workshop 2: MOTION GRAPHIC 1
(9. 12. 2020)
Workshop 1: ROTOSCOPY 2
(27. 11. 2020)
Workshop 1: ROTOSCOPY 1
(24. 11. 2020)

Artists for Art Education 4 (Erasmus+) (14.–25. 1. 2019)

MariborJS - JavaScript Meetups
(10. 5. 2018)

EduKIBLIX Workshop
(March, April, May)
Global Game Jam 5th Maribor GGJ 2018 (26.–28. 1. 2018)
Children's Creative Workshop (4+) (8.–13. 1. 2018)
Kulturni dnevnik / Culture Journal (January 2018)

RC Round table: Through the eyes of the precariat (19. 5. 2017)
RC discussion Tadej Toš vs. Peter Tomaž Dobrila (18. 5. 2017)
RC Open discussion: Is Philosophy Bullshit? (13. 4. 2017)
RC Lecture: Damjan Kozole (30. 3. 2017)
RC Lecture: Uroš Dokl (23.2.2017)
RC Lecture: dr. Boris Vezjak (26. 1. 2017)

Kulturni dnevnik (Culture Journal) (19. 4. 2017)
Kulturni dnevnik (Culture Journal) (5. 4. 2017)
Kulturni dnevnik (Culture Journal) (22. 3. 2017)
Kulturni dnevnik (Culture Journal) (15. 3. 2017)
Kulturni Dnevnik (Culture Journal) (26. 1. 2017)
Kulturni dnevnik (Culture Journal) (17. 1. 2017)

EduKIBLIX 2017ACE KIBLA and Cultural Bazaar 2017 (29. 11. 2017)
EduKIBLIX 2017 (4. 10.–)
Speculum Artium 2017 Education - KIBLIX MOBIL (14–16 Sep 2017)
Mentor kit (1. 8.–30. 11. 2017)
Ljubljana Mini Maker Faire (13. 5. 2017)
EduKIBLIX 2017 ARDUINO AND ART  (9. 3. 2017)

Multisaturdays: Minecraft Club & Videogames (2. 9. 2017)
Multisaturdays: MINECRAFT KLUB - Living Cubs_part 6 (18. 3. 2017)

Round Table on the topic of experimental and sound music art (9. 11. 2016)
RC lecture: Eva D. Bahovec (24. november 2016)
Developing computer games Stencyl (17.10.2016)


Dr Brigitta Zics: Mind Cupola's Eye Resonator (16. 12. 2015)
TOX 20 years: November 1995 / November 2015 (press conference 10. 11. 2015)
Startup Müsli #4: Lepe in drzne startuperke (13. 10. 2015
Startup Müsli #3: Kako do zmagovalnega teama? (6. 10. 2015)
Startup Müsli #2: Zgodba je zakon! (29. 9. 2015)
Startup Müsli #1: Launch zgodbe (22. 9. 2015)

Monika Pocrnjić: KIBLIX Workshop (21. 9. 2014)
Startup müsli #23: VIA (13. 5. 2014)
3D-printing Workshop (13. 5. 2014)
Web Tutorials Maribor #41: Aritmija - creative barbecue (22. 4. 2014)
Startup müsli #21: Edgar will tell us their story (15. 4. 2014)
Spletne urice Maribor #40: Motion graphic design (8. 4. 2014)
Web Tutorials Maribor #39: How deep is the rabbit hole? (1. 4. 2014)
Startup müsli #21: Pivoting (25. 3. 2014)
Startup müsli #20: Print Green (18. 3. 2014)
Web tutorials Maribor #38: Real-time tech support with Olark for your SAAS business (11. 3. 2014)
Start:up Müsli #19: “Smart devices are taking over the world!” (18. 2. 2014)

Web Tutorials Maribor #28: MongoDB (19. 2. 2013)
Startup müsli #10: TSstartup and the Imagine Cup (5. 2. 2013)
Web Tutorials Maribor #26: Agile methods (22. 1. 2013)
Startup Muesli LifeSal (23.10.2012)
Web Turorials (23.10.2012)
Radio Aporee ::: MariborMaps (30. 8.–31. 8.2012)
Europe of the Regions or Province Europe
(28. 8.–30. 8. 2012)
Romani language course for children (26. 3.–20. 6.)
WEB TUTORIALS #20 (22. 5.)
WEB TUTORIALS #19 (17. 4.)
Startup müesli #4 (10. 4.)
WEB TUTORIALS #17 (20. 3.)
Film Factory movies' night (15. 3.)
INVITATION to a business event: ENTERPRISE AND NETWORKING (14. 3.)
Startup müesli #2 (13. 3.)
WEB TUTORIALS #16 (6. 3.)
Startup müesli #1 (28. 2.)
WEB TUTORIALS #15 (21. 2.)
WEB TUTORIALS #14 (13. 2.)

WEB TUTORIALS #12 (29.11.2011)
WEB TUTORIALS #11 (8.11.2011)
WEB TUTORIALS #10 (25.10.2011)
WEB TUTORIALS #7 (10.5.2011)
WEB TUTORIALS #6 (28.4.2011)
Pecha Kucha day (16.4.2011)
Presentation of summer universities – AEGEE (14.4.2011)
WEB TUTORIALS #5 (13.4.2011)
WEB TUTORIALS #4 (30.3.2011)
WEB TUTORIALS #3 (16.3.2011)
WEB TUTORIALS #2 (2.3.2011)
WEB TUTORIALS #1 (16.2.2011)
“What do you know of Reihl Kir” Exhibition (27.1. - 9.2.2011)
Short independent films on tour (13.1.2011)

-Culture bazaar, Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana (20.5.2010)
-Prašum / Primal Noise - AV composition for sound and image - workshop (10.5. - 14.5.2010)
-“GLOBAL WORLD: through the lens of human rights” - exhibition (8.4. - 22.4.2010)
-Human Rights and Development Cooperation - workshop (Thursday, 8.4.2010)
-Ferus Mustafov: music workshop & concert (29.3. - 3.4.2010)
-EQF Code Conference in Cologne (19.3.2010)
-Computer course for elderly 2(16.2. - 19.3.2010)
-Mateja Perpar & Aleksander Jankovič Potočnik: Presentation of picture books Klotilda's Hats and On the Nicely Smelling Skunk and a multimedia children workshop (Saturday, 23.1.2010)
-Computer course for the elderly (5.1. - 5.2.2010)

-In the wonderful world of horses 5: Ride in a horse-drawn carriage with Santa Claus - children workshop (Saturday, 12.12.2009)
-Meet and make comics - children workshop (Saturday, 5.12.2009)
-Computer course for the elderly (24.11.2009)
-On people, animals and stones - children play and multimedia workshop (Saturday, 28.11.2009)
-In the wonderful world of horses 4 - children workshop (Saturday, 21.11.2009)
-In the wonderful world of horses 3 - children workshop (Saturday, 13.6.2009)
-Green Food, workshop (24.5. - 28.5.2009)
-Photovoltaics 09, workshop (11.5. - 13.5.2009)
-Make your own diary - creative workshop for children (Saturday, 18.4.2009)
-In the wonderful world of horses 2 - children workshop (Saturday, 4.4.2009)
-In the wonderful world of horses - children workshop (Saturday, 28.2.2009)
-Catch the move - digital sensory workshop (9.2. - 13.2.2009)
-Children multimedia workshop LITTLE - BIG SPEAKERS (Saturday, 24.1.2009)

-Fairy Tale on Gradma Winter - puppet performance and workshop for children (27.12.2008)
-Autumn afternoon school of Slovene language (20.11.2008)
- MUSICSHUT music video creative workshop (6.10. - 10.10.2008)
- Presentation of the Working the Web Workshop (30.5.2008)
- May children party with the puppeteer Ajda Rooss (24.5.2008)
- Working the Web Workshop (12.5. - 15.5.2008)
- April multimedia party for children based on Slovenian folk tales (26.4.2008)
- Magical multimedia party for children (1.3.2008)
- The Story of Ferdinand - multimedia party for children (19.1.2008)

- Psiha, autumn school of Slovene language (8. - 9.12.2007)
- Drama tale on forest dwarfs (8.12.2007)
- The Mole fairytale and a music workshop (17.11.2007)
- Workshop - Thomas Fürstner: Comprehensive Coding (Ruby) (5. - 9.11.2007)
- Multimedia party with a cloud called Srajčko (6.10.2007)
- Short Cut / Kratki rez - short film workshop (27.9. - 2.10.2007)
- Svetlana Makarovič guest on the April multimedia party for children  (14.4.2007)
- Multimedia party for children and a music workshop (17.11.2007)
- March multimedia party for children (24.3.2007)
- February multimedia party for children (24.2.2007)
- Multimedia party for children - first in 2007 (13.1.2007)

- Holiday multimedia party for children (16.12.2006)
- Autumn school of Slovenian language Ona2 (7. - 9.12.2006)
- Autumn multimedia party for kids (Saturday, 25.11.2006)
- Promotion of mobility of European scientists and ERA MORE net (Friday, 13.10.2006)
- DigiSuperStar: Wojtek Wawszczyk (short animated movies director) lecture (Thursday, 5.10.2006)
- DigiSuperStar - short animated movie workshop (2. - 6.10.2006)
- Multimedia Workshop DIGITAL COMMUNE III: WJ's,WJ-s, web performances in real space and workshop (26. and 27. 9 2006)
- Multimedia Workshop DIGITAL COMMUNE II: ArmPod TROIA (6. 6. 2006)
- Multimedia Workshop DIGITAL COMMUNE I (16. - 19. 5. 2006)
- Second multimedia party for children and parents (2. 4. 2006)

- Video workshop How I see you, (4. - 8. 7. and 2. - 6. 11. 2005)
- JAM - Jazz Academy Maribor (4. - 6. 11 2005)

- Art Digital Video: Creation of interactibe computer environment (9. - 11. 12. 2004)

- David Carson: Paganini typographies, (22. - 29. 9. 2002)



KiBela, space for art



Informal education
  - Youth program

Accompanying art program


KiBar: cybernetic bar

Za:misel bookstore






Festival of Love 2008-2012

Days of Curiosity


Projects, Coproduction and International Cooperation

Current Projects


Past Projects

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E-Excellence Award 2008

MULTIMEDIJSKI CENTER KIBLA / Ulica kneza Koclja 9, 2000 Maribor, Slovenija, Evropa
telefon: 059 076 371 ali 059 076 372 / e-pošta: