New Slovenian Music – NSG: Peter Andrej New Slovenian Music – NSG Peter Andrej Thursday, 5 August 2021, 8 p.m. Vetrinjski dvor
We kindly invite you to an independent singer-songwriter performance by Peter Andrej, a part of the cycle New Slovenian Music. It will take place on Thursday, 5 August 2021, at 8 p.m. at Vetrinjski dvor.
After some musical projects intended for children's audiences (musical Rege ali žabje frke/Reggae or Frog Fights, Mali princ/The Little Prince, Agica, mala čarovnica/Agica, the Little Witch), and records of musical poetry (Zatopato by Erika Vouk, Ciproš by Janko Glazer, Levi in desni breg/Left and right bank by poets from the left and right bank of the Drava River ), Peter is back with his old and new poems, which were published in book form by Litera publishing house under the title Skoz zvočni zid/Breaking the Sound Barrier. Skoz zvočni zid/Breaking the Sound Barrier is also the title track of the CD, on which can also find songs like infamous Gosposka, mater si ozka/Gosposka (street), damn, you are narrow (minded), Balada o Francu Rihtariču/Ballad of Franc Rihtarič, Voluharji/Voles and many others.
Peter Andrej is a poet and musician. He belongs to the top of Slovenian songwriting. Once an excellent football player (even included in the first team of the Yugoslav youth national team), he began his musical career in the band Lauženki iz nahkastla, which gained a real cult status in the local environment. After leaving the band, he embraced the singer-songwriter's expression. He released an abundance of critically acclaimed albums: Pohorske poti/Pohorje Trails, Povabilo na čaj/Invitation to Tea, Valovanje/Wave, Ciproš, Zatópató, Levi in desni breg/Left and Right Bank, Skoz zvočni zid/Breaking the Sound Barrier, etc. He has released thirteen music albums, five of his musicals have been performed so far. In addition, a musical or musical spectacle was created from his book for children Rege ali žabje frke/ Reggae or Frog Fights; 2015 (Klub KU KU/Club KU KU) and is still being performed. Boris A. Novak, poet, writer, playwright, and translator, stated: »Peter Andrej is one of the most valuable voices in Slovenia. He is a poet and a musician in one person, and he combines these two arts into a noble synthesis of musical poetry.« Jure Longyka, the author of the music show Izštekani on Radio Slovenia, made a statement on Val 202 (May 2005): »Peter Andrej. One of the best Slovenian singer-songwriters… «. In his book of poems Skoz zvočni zid/Through the Sound Wall, 2018 (Litera Publishing House), there are many songs that are set to music. After the album Levi in desni breg/Left and Right Bank, 2019 (Klub KU KU), a brand new album of music songs Skoz zvočni zid/Through the Sound Wall, released in 2020 (Klub KU KU), has now joined this poetic path. He performs at many festivals in Slovenia and abroad with his and music songs by Janko Glazer, Paul Eluard, FG Lorca, Brecht, Erika Vouk, Boris A. Novak, and other Slovenian poets.
Admission is free and participation is possible according to the PCT (recovered – vaccinated – tested) protocol. We kindly ask you to follow the recommendations of the NIJZ/NIPH and the informants at the venue when visiting the concert.
Production: ACE KIBLA Co-organization: X-OP Association for Contemporary Art, Narodni dom Maribor – Vetrinjski dvor The concert is part of the New Slovenian Music – NSG cycle, supported by the Ministry of Culture and the Municipality of Maribor.
Photo: Janez Klenovšek


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