Branimir Štivić: B E L L O W S Branimir Štivić: B E L L O W S 3 March–1 April 2023 artKIT
We kindly invite you to join us for the opening of an exhibition and a performance by Branimir Štivić entitled B E L L O W S, which will take place on Friday, 3 March 2023, at 7 p.m. at the artKIT exhibition space.
B E L L O W S, an installation by Branimir Štivić, a young emerging artist, explores the mediality of air, the openness of respiratory bodies towards the atmosphere and breathing of all living and non-living things. The artist's fascination with air and the atmosphere stems from the fact that the lungs are the first organ to come into contact with the environment immediately after birth, and that we humans, as respiratory bodies, are part of the atmosphere. Breathing is not primarily a relation to objects, but to the atmosphere, and the skin is a fragile membrane that divides two air-filled spaces – the inside and the outside. Štivić conceived B E L L O W S as a modular air system based on exhalation, inflation and the collision of air with surrounding objects. The system of breathing bodies/airbags (wind cushions) and the action of breathing can be imagined as the rhythm of paying off the »oxygen debt« in a constant economic game of body inflation.
Branimir Štivić (1991, Cerić) received his MA in New Media from the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb. He holds a master's degree in software engineering from the Faculty of Organization and Informatics in Varaždin. His primary and starting medium is sound, which is then entangled with other media through an artistic process based on software code, DIY electronics and improvisational techniques. His field of work includes multimedia, performance art, sound art, expanded cinema, video synthesis, experimental music, cybernetics, sound and light installations, algorithm art, neural networks, AI, etc. He is using a multidisciplinary approach as a tool to explore perception, probabilistics, systems theory, mathematical models and cellular automata, process music, sound, pneumatics, kinetics, and machine learning synthesis. His current topics of interest are breathing, air, atmospheres, machine learning, found footage, memories, neural synthesis, biological systems, animism, vitality of objects and matter in the age of the technosphere and Anthropocene. He is a member of the ARBAJT Collective, where he focuses on questioning the relationship between art and work. He collaborated with DB Indoš: House of Extreme Music Theatre in performances I:O: and Kužni Ifrit. His works have been exhibited at the Museum of Contemporary Art Zagreb, Atelieri Žitnjak, Šira, Prozori, Lauba, Pogon Jedinstvo, Kazamat, NMG@Praktika, Gallery SC. He performed at Device_art 7.021, 25fps, Vector Hack, ZEZ, Sonica, SineLinea, Monoplay and Barutana. As part of the “on-the-fly” artist-in-residence program, he performed at Het Orgelpark in Amsterdam; in the frame of the ZEZxSonica AIR program, he performed as a SHAPE+ artist in Cankarjev Dom in Ljubljana. He participated in the Reassemble Lab: Weatherscapes laboratory, organized by the FIBER Festival Amsterdam.
< Branimir Štivić, B E L L O W S, 2021, installation.
Production: KONTEJNER, Zagreb, Hrvaška Postproduction: ACE KIBLA The artwork has been produced as part of the residential training within the framework of the Re-Imagine Europe project.
artKIT, Glavni trg 14, Maribor Opening hours: Tuesday to Friday from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m., Saturday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Photo: Janez Klenovšek
Photo: Janez Klenovšek


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