Béla Máriás: Where is my Capital?Béla Máriás: Where is my Capital? 13 March–4 April 2020 artKIT, Glavni trg 14, Maribor
You are cordially invited to attend the opening of Where is my Capital? – an exhibition by painter, visual artist, novelist, musician and the frontman of Tudósok, Béla Máriás, on Friday, 13 March 2020, at 7 p. m., at the ArtKIT Gallery in Maribor.
Béla Máriás alias drMáriás (1966) studied at the University of Arts in Belgrade. In 1991, he and his family moved from Novi Sad to Budapest, where they now live. Béla Máriás is the leader, vocalist, saxophonist and trumpeter of Tudósok (Scientists), playing more than one hundred concerts between Russia, Europe and the USA. Tudósok has had a few performances in Maribor and Slovenia; as a painter, Máriás has been a part of the group exhibition Mundus vadit retro in Kibla Portal (2014), but this is his first solo exhibition in these parts.
DrMáriás is a maverick in his multidisciplinary expression, which is a mixture of references, styles and media. This distinct, recognizable, sarcastic, ironic, original and critical artist often draws on art historical, social and political quotes, deals with existentialist issues born out of his Eastern European identity and the pertaining historical and political context. His artistic expression involves aspects of avant-garde, Dadaism, pop art, social and socialist art, and a surrealist stand. He defines his artistic activity as "social surgery".
Béla Máriás has exhibited in solo exhibitions in Budapest, London, Belgrade, Vienna, Ljubljana, Beijing, Prague and New York. His prose relates to the Beat Generation and the Russian avant-garde. His books were published in Hungary and in China, and he has appeared as an actor in films by the famous Hungarian director Béla Tarr.
Selected exhibitions: Self-Portrait with Trianon, Kieselbach Gallery – Brody Studios, Budapest, 2019 with Peter Weiler Flowers of Dynamite, Supamolly, Berlin, 2019 Tavasz-Tündér-Találkozó/Spring-Fairy Meeting, Godot Galéria, Budapest, 2019 Magyar Nemzeti Festészet/Hungarian National Painting, A38 Hajó, Budapest, 2018 Где мой Капитал?/Where Is My Kapital?/Hová lett a Tőkém?, Pig Snout Art Gallery, Saint Petersburg, 2018 The Sun Shines!, Rómer Flóris Múzeum, Győr, 2018 The Most Modern and Most Ancient Hungarian, Cultiris Galéria, Budapest, 2018 Longing and Belongig, 10 Thousand Steps Gallery, New York, 2017 Love Never Fails!, Godot Gallery, Budapest, 2017 Be Peace with You! – Museum of Modern Art MODEM, Debrecen, 2017 Paperlace Universe, Balassi Institute, Peking, 2016 Karel Gott Brings Peace to the EU-summit, Balassi Institute, Prague, 2016 Flower all Flowers! A38 Ship, Budapest, 2016 Get Well! – M21 Galéria, Zsolnay negyed, Pécs, 2016 Blue Danube Waltz, A38 Ship, Budapest, 2015 Utopia.Revolution, Ludwig Museum, Budapest, 2014-2015 Hollywood Behind the Iron Curtain, Suez Gallery, Den Haag, 2014 A Secret Political Meeting in the Swamp, Godot Gallery, Budapest, 2013 Change of glasses, Raiffeisen Galéria, Budapest, 2013 Beautiful Pictures from the World of Love, A38, Budapest, 2013 What’s Hungarian? Palace of Art, Budapest, 2012 My Horrible Idols, A38 Ship, 2011 The East-European Beatles, Old Police Station, London, 2011 Bukowski in Split – Galleria Numero 2, Koper, 2011 Celebrities vs. Artists, K. Petrys Ház, Budapest, 2010 Bukowski in Split – Ghetto Galéria, Split, 2009 Elect! – K. Petrys Ház, Budapest, 2009 DadaBloomsDay, Ivy House, London, 2008 TérErő, Palace of Art, Budapest, 2008 Self-portraits of a Suicide Car-mechanic, Klinker Gallery, London, 2005 I Live Science, Gogol Club, Moscow, 2005 Charcoal, Donauraum Galerie, Vienna, 2004 Cut Cat Kit, Anthology Film Archives, Courthouse Gallery, New York, 2003 Mehko lice, Metelkova Galerija, Ljubljana, 2002 Drawing a New Face, Cinema Rex, Belgrade, 2000 Everyday Science, Francia Intézet/Institut Français, Budapest, 1999
The exhibition will be showing until 4 April 2020. Admission free. Kindly welcome.
Production: X-OP Association for Contemporary Art
Photo: Gregor Salobir


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