IGOR BOŠNJAK: Project UtopiaIGOR BOŠNJAK: Project Utopia Solo Exhibition 27. 11. - 21. 12. 2019 artKIT, Glavni trg 14, Maribor, SI
Opening: Wednesday, 27. 11. 2019, at 7 p. m. Guided tour by the artist and curator: Wednesday, 27. 11. 2019, at 7:30 p. m.
You are hereby kindly invited to attend the opening of the exhibition by Igor Bošnjak entitled Project Utopia, which will take place on Wednesday, 27 November 2019, at 7 p. m., in exhibition space artKIT (Glavni trg 14, Maribor, SI).
In this intermedia project, Igor Bošnjak explores the difference between cartographic representation of a geopolitical landscape and its percepted and constructed (utopian) image or, for that matter, illusion, which is inherently historically, culturally and ideologically conditioned. This iteration of the project which consists of multiple pieces, is a constellation of videos, (interactive) installations, soundscapes and drawings, with which Bošnjak offers a visual reinterpretation of a known place – the European continent. A place corroded by its institutional inertia and haunted by the ghosts of the past. The artist at the same time questions concepts of utopia and dystopia from multiple perspectives, with the focus on contemporary migrations.
Igor Bošnjak (1981, Sarajevo) graduated in painting at the Academy of Visual Arts in Trebinje in 2005. The following year he founded and curated the international biennial project namaTRE.ba. He finished (MA) Interdisciplinary studies, Theory of Art & Media Department at the University of Arts in Belgrade in 2008. Currently he is an assistant professor at the Academy of Visual Arts in Trebinje. His works have been shown extensively in solo and group exhibitions. Among others, he exhibited in Whitechapel Gallery, London; Kunsthalle Wien; New Cinema & Contemporary Art, Rencontres Internationales, Gaîté Lyrique & Palais de Tokyo, Paris; Kunsthal Charlottenborg, Copenhagen; Atopia Film & VideoKunst Gallery, Oslo; Moscow Museum of Modern Art, Moscow; Hong Kong Art Hall; CAM Casoria, Contemporary Art Museum, Naples; Kunst Museum, Bonn; Agnes B. Foundation, Galerie du Jour, Paris; MOCAV Museum of Contemporary Art Vojvodina, Novi Sad; Galleria d’ Arte Moderna Palazzo Forti, Verona; Museum of Contemporary Art RS, Banja Luka; Point Ephemere, Paris; The Museum of Modern Art Dubrovnik: Contemporary Music Centre, Dublin; Espacio Center Canarias, Tenerife; Fabbrica del Vapore, Milan; Center of Contemporary Art, Plovdiv; Budapest Art Fair Mucsarnok, Budapest; Charinthian Museum of Modern Art Klagenfurt; Spazio Monitor, Museum of Contemporary Art, Rome; 2nd Project Biennial D-0 ARK Underground, Konjic; Tapetenwerk Halle C, Leipzig; Gallery Remont, Belgrade; National Art Gallery of B&H, Sarajevo; The Cultural Centre of Belgrade; Musseo di Palazzo Poggi, Bologna; Eastwards Prospectus Gallery, Bucharest & etc. In 2010 he was a finalist of the ZVONO Award organised by SCCA - Sarajevo Center for Contemporary Art and in 2018, he was awarded with the ZVONO Award organised by Association SKLOP. From 2009-2011 he was the finalist for Bosnia and Herzegovina for the Henkel Art Award in Zagreb. In 2007 he received the First Prize at the 4. Salon Človek Spomenik in Velenje, Slovenia.
The exhibition is produced by X-OP in collaboration with MMSU - Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in the scope of the Touring residencies program of the Risk Change (2016-2020) project.
Th exhibition will be on view until December 21.
Photo: Boštjan Lah
Foto: Boštjan Lah


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