artKIT Glavni trg 14 Maribor, Slovenia
Opening hours: Tue–Fri: 3 p. m.–7 p. m., Sat: 10 a.m.–1 p.m.

Events 2025 Đanino Božić: One Way or Another (21. 2.–22. 3. 2025) Performance by Nina Stopar (8. 2. 2025) Nina Stopar: Encounters on the Edges of Self (17. 1.–15. 2. 2025)
Events 2024 KIBLIX 2024 | Igor Štromajer: 3¦×Fń–Qé3=Miá+ (22. 11. 2024–11. 1. 2025) Maja Šubic: So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish (18. 10.–16. 11. 2024) Maribor Art Walk (20. 9. 2024) Janja Batič: My Illustrated Life (13. 9.–12. 10. 2024) Blažka Križan: A Myriad of Sequences (9. 8.–7. 9. 2024) Nataša Kos: BLURRED (4. 7.–3. 8. 2024) Performance Multisensorial dinner (19. 6. 2024) Guided tour of the exhibition Healing bodies, healing ecosystems (15. 6. 2024) Kamila Śladowska: Healing bodies, healing ecosystems (31. 5.–29. 6. 2024) Vuk Ćosić: Dear Karl / Exhibition closing event and presentation of the catalogue (24. 5. 2024) Vuk Ćosić: Dear Karl (26. 4.–25. 5. 2024) Mori Sikora: Perennial emergence (22. 3.–20. 4. 2024) Stojan Grauf: Nature in the Drawing (16. 2.–16. 3. 2024) Natalija Juhart Brglez: Geometry Walks: Exploring the Urban Landscape (12. 1. –10. 2. 2024)
Events 2023 Fortuna Lazar: Images of Faces (1.–30. 12. 2023) Neža Knez: When Structure is Replaced by Fragmented Moments (27. 10.–25. 11. 2023) Jože Šubic: Piggy bank for the artist (29. 9.–21. 10. 2023) Matej Fišer: Red Square (23. 8.–23. 9. 2023) Nataša Grandovec and Martina Obid Mlakar: Urban Nature (21. 7.–19. 8. 2023) Nika Zupančič: Landscapes (16. 6.–15. 7. 2023) Staš Kleindienst: Insomnia (12. 5.–10. 6. 2023) 31 YEARS OF SHAME: Amnesty International Slovenia's exhibition on the 31st anniversary of the erasure (7. 4.–6. 5. 2023) Branimir Štivić: B E L L O W S (3. 3. –1. 4. 2022) Prešeren Day (8. 2. 2023) Alja Horvat: The Beginning (27. 1.–25. 2. 2023)
Events 2022 Tanja Vujinović: AvantGardeTopia (23. 12. 2022–20. 1. 2023) This Merry Day of Culture (3. 12. 2022) P L A T E AU R E S I D U E: Apertures in the Landscape (25. 11.–17. 12. 2022) Polonca Lovšin: What does the forest say? (21. 10.–19. 11. 2022) Polonca Lovšin / More-than Human: Masks/Dance (21. 10. 2022) Janja Kosi: Lepidopterarium (16. 9.–15. 10. 2022) Un-war Space Lab: Drava Reflections == Decoding Drava == (8. 7.–13. 8. 2022) Nika Rupnik: Space of Play (2.–29. 6. 2022) OR poiesis (a.k.a. Petra Kapš): Attraction. Petrification (29. 4.–28. 5. 2022) Aleš Horvat: Sine sole sileo (25. 3.–23. 4. 2022) Iztok Maroh: Staging of the Presented (25. 2.–19. 3. 2022) Zoran Poznič: Phoenix (14. 1.–19. 2. 2022)
Events 2021 The Cool Couple: Emozioni Mondiali (10. 12. 2021–8. 1. 2022) This Merry Day of Culture (3. 12. 2021) Rok Predin: Leap Year (5. 11.–4. 12. 2021) Polona Poklukar: Défilé (8.–30. 10. 2021) Animated Women (30. 9.–3. 10. 2021) Stevan Kojić: A Self-Sustainable System of Absurdity (26. 8.–17. 9. 2021) Bogdan Čobal: The Raft of the Medusa (29. 7.–20. 8. 2021) Dalibor Martinis: I am addressing you Man to Man (1.–23. 7. 2021) Danilo Milovanović: Corrections (7.–24. 6. 2021) Tadej Droljc: Self-portrait (10.–29. 5. 2021) Zoran Todorović: Several Panoramas for One Phenomenology of the Irrational (12.–30. 4. 2021) Peter Tomaž Dobrila: Samplings – Ascension (22. 3.–6. 4. 2021) Barbara Kastelec: Invisible Companions (24. 2.–10. 3. 2021) Monika Plemen: Distortion of the Body (4.–19. 2. 2021)
Events 2020 Katja Bednařik Sudec: Classically emancipated (6. 10.—6. 11. 2020) Sanja Iveković: Homework from self-isolation (18. 9.—9. 10. 2020) čardak / çardak in the void (18. 8.—4. 9. 2020) Zdenko Huzjan: Still Sites (19. 6.–10. 7. 2020) Helena Tahir: Drawings and Graphics (20. 5.—12. 6. 2020) Béla Máriás: Where is my Capital? (13. 3.—4. 4. 2020) Marko Jakše: Against the Flow (17. 1.—15. 2. 2020)
Events 2019 IGOR BOŠNJAK: Project Utopia (27. 11. 2019) Mišo Hochstätter: Nature morte 1975 (11. 9.–28. 9. 2019) Gigo de Brea: De regreso a la naturaleza (para percibir, no solo para esparcir) (16. 8.–7. 9. 2019) Toni Soprano Meneglejte: meneglejte meneglejte
(7. 6.–6. 7. 2019) AnKo – Andreja Džakušič in Keiko Miyazaki (9. 5.–1. 6. 2019) Lara Ritoša Roberts: Retrograde (5. 4.–30. 4. 2019) Borut Popenko: Breaks (15. 3.–3. 4. 2019) Vesna Bukovec (7. 2. – 9. 3. 2019) Artists for Art Education 4 (Erasmus+) (14.–25. 1. 2019)
Events 2018 Šejla Kamerić: "I Really Really Really Really Really" (9. 11.–1. 12. 2018) Miran Mišo Hochstätter: POKRAJINE / LANDSCAPES (14. 9.–3. 11. 2018) Jusuf Hadžifejzović, Shop of emptinesses (4. 6. 2018) Anja Jelovšek: Selected Drawings (7. 2.–24. 3. 2018) Loop (27. 1. 2018)
Events 2017
Exhibition openings and breakfasts with artists
– Shifts and revelations (HDLU), Erasmus+ (20. 1.–11. 2. 2017)
– 14. 2. 2017 Vladimir Leben and Huiqin Wang
– 10. 3. 2017 Bojana Križanec
– 14. 4. 2017 Viktor Šest
– 16. 5. 2017 Milan Ketiš
– 13. 6. 2017 Boštjan Plesničar
– 29. 8. 2017 Mojca Krajnc
– 19. 9. 2017 Branimir Ritonja
– 6. 10. 2017 Beno Artnak
– 9. 11. 2017 Tammam Azzam (Siriya) Bon Voyage
– 9. 11. 2017 Shelters of Babylon
artKIT is a space inside the Maribor Town Hall (located at the address of Glavni trg 14, in the old part of the city). Its program and organizational structure are led by the Association for Culture and Education KIBLA. The place is owned by the Municipality of Maribor, and follows the idea of revitalizing the old city center and many of its abandoned or deserted areas, where artists can display original works created through traditional fine art approaches, as well as contemporary artistic practices.
In 2017 we are launching a new cycle of contemporary art exhibitions. The main focus is on local and younger generation artists, but not excluding regional, national, and international collaborations and exchanges in the field of contemporary art genres. The artKIT exhibition space aims primarily to support artists in the sense of a modern-day "artistic à la carte cuisine": not only will the artists have an opportunity to showcase and sell their works, but the thematic and formal background of the artistic process will be presented regularly to the visitors through live performances and on-the-spot creative artistic practices. Such innovative and original social get-togethers help to create a connection between creators and lovers of art, but also links with upcoming young artists and amateurs, who wish to explore every step of the creative process, not just the end result. The central objective is to provide a link between the artist and potential interested parties and lovers of art. In this sense, artKIT would serve as a good practice example of implementing cultural events "with a twist" in the heart of the city.
With each monthly art show, the artKIT exhibition venue will feature an event called "breakfast with the artist", which provides an added value to the concept, as artists will prepare live presentations and/or demonstrations of the process of creating a fine art piece. Slovenian visual artists, namely, are generally still lacking proper opportunities to present or exhibit their works publicly. In this sense, too, artKIT is a novelty, with presentations of artists and artworks happening in a place of subtle atmosphere, at the heart of the gallery space, rather than in "boardrooms". The basic idea is to bring culture closer to the wider public, to call attention to the unenviable position of our artists, and to help them in terms of promotion and visibility. Art wants to be public, which is why artKIT supports the spreading of cultural-artistic information and products in a form as accessible as possible to the local public, but also to those who are less involved in the cultural happening in our town.
The program will be regularly announced and updated on the websites: and (this website is currently under construction).
Program 2017: Boštjan Plesničar Too Modern Beauty KIT (13. 6.–15. 7. 2017) Milan Ketiš The Wave of the Artwork (16. May–7. June 2017) Viktor Šest The Passion (14. April–13 May 2017) Bojana Križanec The Future is Now (10 March – 8 April 2017) Huiqin Wang & Vladimir Leben Between Sky and Earth (14 February – 8 March 2017) Shifts and revelations (10. 2. 2017) |