MED 2017 
MED – Maribor Electronic Destination – the musical, electronic, electro-acoustical, intermedia and audio-visual festival, conceived to deepen the interaction between various media of electronic production, was first established in 2008. Ever since, it has been focused on providing a balance between two seemingly opposite aspects of creating electronic music. Existing somewhere between experimental/ambient and dance musical experiences, it has attracted some of the most visible performers from around the world, like Howie B. (2008), Toni Jarvis (2009), Schlammpeitziger (2010), Greie Gut Fraktion (2011), Golden Globe winner Jóhann Jóhannsson (2012), Andy Stott (2013), Tara Transitory – One Man Nation (2014), William Bennett – Cut Hands (2015), Lucrecia Dalt (2016), and many others. Find out more about the history of the festival at:
Strolling through electronic genres while incorporating other media, projections, installations, and intermedia performances, MED attracts audiences and provides a direct taste of the most current musical productions, which remains its basic motto also for the future. This year's edition of the festival is modified and punctuated with events appearing throughout the year, like an omnibus with monthly stops.
The first episode of the new year features EMVY with an experimental electronic set on Friday, 27 January 2017, from 10 p. m. and up to the wee hours. DJ Trick-C and Dante Benami will be bringing us together on 24 February 2017, while Urban Divas will unfold their talent on 24 March 2017. All events will take place at the MMC KIBLA, starting at 10 p. m. This is not where the story ends, of course, but rather where the journey begins!
Welcome, join us at our regular events – you will never leave disappointed...but definitely oozing like honey, in a dionisical state of mind, as you try to fit your key in the lock after this otherworldly experience, all melty and drooly...MED 2017!
MED 2017 ACT ONE: EMVY (24.1.2017) MED 2017 ACT TWO: Trick-C in Dante Benami (24.2.2017) MED 2017 ACT THREE: Urban Divas (24. 3. 2017) MED 2017 ACT FOUR: DJ OM & T-JAY (21. 4. 2017)
Archive MED 2016 MED 2015 MED 2014 MED 2013 MED 2012 MED 2011 MED 2010 MED 2009 MED 2008