KIBLIX 2022 / Panel Discussion: How to Live Together When Temperatures Become Unbearable and the Economy Collapses KIBLIX 2022 / Panel Discussion How to Live Together When Temperatures Become Unbearable and the Economy Collapses Thursday, 17 November 2022, at 7 p.m. KIBLA PORTAL
You are kindly invited to join us on Thursday, 17 November 2022, at 7 p.m. at KIBLA PORTAL for a panel discussion entitled How to Live Together When Temperatures Become Unbearable and the Economy Collapses.
Moderator: Régine Debatty, curator and art critic at we-make-money-not-art.com
Guests: Aljaž Celarc, artist, PlateauResidue & House Mandrova Boris Kolar, PhD, biologist, eco-toxicologist and writer Ajda Pistotnik, MSc, researcher, project manager, Co-founder & Managing Director of the Policy Lab
Sea level rise, civil unrest, the threat of super AI gone rogue, cyberwarfare, biodiversity collapse, nuclear attacks, rampant inequalities, antibiotic resistance, etc. Every morning, news headlines seem to suggest that reality has imploded and that the end of the world is at the door. A political scientist with an active role in the discussion around degrowth, an artist interested in the human tendency towards self-elimination and an expert in environmental risk assessment will help us scrutinize existential threats and explore the strategies, creative approaches and mindsets we might want to adopt if we want to avoid a complete environmental and humanitarian meltdown. Should we switch to “damage limitation mode”? Or should we take our anxieties as an opportunity to rewire our whole (industrialized) civilization?
Régine Debatty is a Belgian curator and art critic who lives in Turin, Italy. In 2004, she created we-make-money-not-art.com, a blog which has received numerous distinctions over the years, including two Webby awards and an honorary mention at the STARTS Prize, a competition launched by the European Commission to acknowledge “innovative projects at the interface of science, technology and art”. Régine writes and lectures internationally about the way artists, hackers and designers use science and technology as a medium for critical discussion. She created A.I.L. (Artists in Laboratories), a weekly program about the connections between art and science for Resonance104.4fm, London’s legendary art radio station (2012–14). She has collaborated in numerous publications, most notably co-authoring the “sprint book” New Art/Science Affinities, published by Carnegie Mellon University (2011), and is co-writing a book about culture and artificial intelligence for the Council of Europe (2022).
Aljaž Celarc, who was born in 1989, is a graduate in geography and a master in documentary photography. Together with Eva Pavlič Seifert, he works in the artistic duo Plateauresidue. In his spatial video installations, he addresses the perception of landscape ecology and climate change. Aljaž is the co-creator of the project House of Mandrova, a modern farmhouse in the middle of the forests of Gorski Kotar, which he and Eva renovated with natural materials and which has become a learning center for regenerative food production and traditional wood construction in just a few years.
https://www.plateauresidue.com/ https://hisamandrova.com/
Boris Kolar born in 1960 in Maribor graduated and earned a PhD in biology. As an ecologist and eco-toxicologist, he is involved in the study of wildlife, odors in the outer air and environmental chemical pollution. He is also a farmer, taking care of a traditional orchard tree gene bank. After he returned from studies to his hometown, he started to publish short stories in a satirical paper Agricultural and handicrafts news (Journal for strengthening conceptual reinforcement and theoretical justification for Styrian progress). In the nineties, he was involved in the production of television nature history films. In 2009, his novel Iqball Hotel was nominated for the best Slovenian novel. When he is not on the farm, he lives in Maribor. He is active in defending rivers against new hydro-energetic power plants. He is also a bitter fighter against the pollution of free and active working time.
Ajda Pistotnik is the Co-founder & Managing Director of the Policy Lab. As a consultant she was investigating the EU's economy beyond GDP by applying the Doughnut Economics framework including the Inventory of EU indicators. She moderated policy debates and presenting outcomes of her policy research on financial justice and debt economy at various policy forums e.g. G20 in Hamburg, UNCTAD in Nairobi (Kenya), and the IMF annual meeting in Lima (Peru). She is the initiator of degrowth community in Slovenia, a co-organizer of the International Degrowth Conference in Budapest and also a member of the editorial board of the Journal for the Critique of Science, Imagination and New Anthropology. Now, she is a member of the Strategic Council for Economy at the Ministry of Economic Development in Slovenia.
< Visuals: P L A T EA U R E S I D U E, Terra Ignota, 2021, screen capture. Courtesy of the artists.
__ The panel discussion is part of informal educational program, supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia and the Municipality of Maribor.

Photo: Janez Klenovšek


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