Saturday, April 21, 201212:00 Feri Lainšček, Literary brunch 14:00 Maruša Krese, Talking with writer 15:30 Katja Perat and Milan Dekleva, Poetry duet 17:00 Urška Sterle and Miha Mazzini, Prose duet 19:00 Klarisa Jovanović and Della Segodba, Poetry-in-music 21:00 Same babe, Poetry-in-music
Children programme 12:00 Gledališče Bičikleta: Lutke za prstke (Bičikleta Theater: Puppets for fingers), Children workshop 14:00 Fairy tale reading with Alenka Cilenšek 15:00 Yoga Mavrica 17:00 Lutkovno gledališče Velenje: Frdamana pravljica (Velenje Puppet theatre: The darn fairy tale), Puppet show
Feri Lainšček A discussion with writer, poet, playwright and screenwriter Feri Lainšček is the winner of numerous awards: the Prešeren foundation award in 1995 for the novel ‘Ki jo je megla prinesla’, the kresnik award for the novel ‘Namesto koga roža cveti’ in 1997, the Večernica award in 2001 for the fairy tale collection ‘Mislice’, and another kresnik award in 2007 for the novel ‘Muriša’. Films have been made based on his novels, Petelinji zajtrk definitely being the most famous one.
Maruša Krese Talking with writers Maruša Krese presenting her last bilingual poetry collection Nenadoma se je stemnilo / Plötzlich wurde es dunkel (It suddenly grew dark), Popotniške pesmi / Reise Gedichte, translated by Daniela Kocmut and published by the Pavel house. Her work speaks of journeys; of travelling for the purpose of the journey itself, and sometimes for the purpose of reaching the destination, of journeys made to tell stories, but mostly to catch moments, situations and life. Debate accompanied by a projection of photos by Meta Krese, thematically linked to the collection.
Katja Perat and Milan Dekleva Poetry duet The poetry duet presents young poet Katja Perat, who is only just beginning to walk the path of literary creation, and Milan Dekleva, an established literary persona and winner of numerous literary awards.
Urška Sterle and Miha Mazzini Prose duet A discussion hosting two critical observers of the world: Urška Sterle, writer, translator and performer, who explores in her work, among other themes, the lesbian scene, and Miha Mazzini, writer, scriptwriter, director, publicist and winner of numerous literary and film awards.
Klarisa Jovanović and Della Segodba Poetry-in-music Klarisa Jovanović and Della Segodba concert is a presentation of their latest album Od ljubezni (From the love). Their songs speak about the different facets of love: dangerous flirting, yearning, instant passion, devotion, sacrifice, playfulness, blind infatuation, rejected love, lust, and of course love that makes the world go round … these are just some of the shades of the emotion verbalized by France Prešeren, Nelda Štok-Vojska, Marko Kravos, Klarisa Jovanović, Kajetan Kovič, Feri Lainšček, Milan Vincetič, Ervin Fritz and Erika Vouk, and put to music by Gregor Stermecki, Klarisa Jovanović and Teo Bard. Cast: Klarisa Jovanović (voice) Vasko Atanasovski (soprano saxophone, flute, kazo, supporting vocals) Žiga Golob (double bass, supporting vocals) Luka Ropret (guitar, supporting vocals)
Same babe Poetry-in-music A band of a varied genre that bets on witty and insightful lyrics. Their repertoire is partly made up of musical interpretations of the poetry of Janez Menart, or occasionally other poets and even folk poems. The cast literally ‘furnishes’ the poems with music, so that the musical part is a sort of a mirror to the verbal part. Their performances are regularly spiced with a great dose of humor and resemble a performance. Cast: Marko Jelovšek (double bass, cymbals, vocals) Marko Voljč (trumpet, ukulele, rhythm, vocals) Miha Nemanič (organ, rhythm, vocals) Viki Baba (guitar, accordion, screaming and shouting)
Children's program
Gledališče Bičikleta: Lutke za prstke (Bičikleta Theater: Puppets for fingers) Children workshop Bičikleta Theater, the smallest possible theater in terms of member number, shows to the children that if we just stop and play for a second, our hands and fingers can create a wondering sleepy star, a giant frog, a beautiful spring daisy or even a snouty little mouse.
Fairy tale reading with Alenka Cilenšek Alenka Cilenšek is an actress performing in theaters, films, and television and radio productions. Her persuasive performance and voice take the children into the world of fairy tales at this year's festival.
Yoga Mavrica is a creative, playful, fun, fairy tale, complete yoga program for children and parents. The children express themselves freely through the wondrous world of animals, and relax through fable- and story-telling, sound and animation. The parents work with their little ones interactively, and establish a fluid relationship with them in a very special yoga way. Activities led by Bernard Cvetko, yoga teacher.
Lutkovno gledališče Velenje: Frdamana pravljica (Velenje puppet theater: The darn fairy tale) Puppet show 'Frdamana pravljica' or 'The story about how anyone can find true love', is a comical, musical fairy tale, teaching the children that you don't have to perfect to find true love. What matters is that you are a good and kind person, to yourself and to the people around you. That is what they will love you for. Just the way you are.


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