This year’s edition of (DA)(NE)S music cycle focuses mainly on the artistic research by contemporary musicians, who are highly unconventional, notwithstanding that some of them have academic education – this year the stress lies on microtonal music and an alternative musical tuning on one side, and on less ordinary electronic artistic performances on the other. Microtonal music highlights an aspect of music that is rarely exposed on Slovenian ground, since rhythm is usually the more comprehensive aspect in these parts. It focuses on a specific demonstration of music, which is created ‘in between individual piano keys’, i.e. microtonal music or music with alternative tuning. Sometimes this brings about literally new instrument creations, such that can serve better to the actualization of this musical principle. Selector of the microtonal music cycle program and the performances of various artists carried out throughout the year is Cameron Bobro.
10. 8. 2012, 20:00 Todd Harrop, Asja Grauf – Photo Gallery 11. 8. 2012 Cameron Bobro and audience participation / microtonal workshop - Photo Gallery 14. 9. 2012, 20:00 Zoran Ščekić - Photo Gallery 21. 9. 2012, 20:00 Aphra Tesla - Photo Gallery 5. 10. 2012, 20:00 Marco Donnarumma 12. 10. 2012, 20:00 Milan Guštar
Zoran Ščekić 14. 9. 2012, 20:00 Zoran Ščekić, graduated from the Akademie für Musik und Dartstellende Kunst in Graz, in jazz guitar, and is a composer and creator of radical (and beautiful) new musical instruments. For (DA)(NE)S he will be performing in alternative intonations and presenting his innovative work as an instrument builder.
Aphra Tesla 21. 9. 2012, 20:00 Aphra Tesla was born in Slovenj Gradec. In 2010 she was awarded a master's degree in video and new media at the Academy of Fine Arts (Akademija za likovno umetnost Ljubljana). For many years she is dealing with music and has worked with numerous musicians and groups: Mljask (Vasko Atanasovski), Sounds of Slovenia, Miloš Simić and Co. Pilots, Elevators, Cameron Bobro, Jazoo, Robert Jukič, Andraž Mazi, Aphra Tesla and Suprematisti fest. Metod Banko, Aldo Ivančič, Dejan Berden, Matija Krivec, Janez Dovč. In 2009 she participated with a team of Aphra Tesla and the Electric Theatre on the international theater festival Ex Ponto, presented as a multimedia artist with a versatile music and video performance, neo-cabaret Pa-pa ati (Bye-bye daddy) in Glej theater. In 2011 she had an exhibition in Trbovlje under the expert guidance of curator Zoran Poznič. (from: aphratesla.si)
Marco Donnarumma 5. 10. 2012, 20:00 New media and sonic artist, performer and teacher, Marco Donnarumma was born in Italy and is based in London. Weaving a thread around biomedia research, musical and theatrical performance, participatory practices and subversive coding, Marco looks at the collision of critical creativity with humanized technologies. His biophysical system Xth Sense won the first prize in the Margaret Guthman Musical Instrument Competition and was named the 2012 “world’s most innovative new musical instrument” by the Georgia Tech Center for Music Technology, US. Recently, he curated the publication Biotechnological Performance Practice (eContact!, 14.2). Marco has performed and spoken in 30 countries including US and South America, Europe, India, China, South Korea and Australia. His works have been selected at leading art events (ISEA, Venice Biennale, WRO Biennale), specialized festivals (FILE, Sonorities, Némo, Mapping, Piksel, Re-New, Laboral, EMAF) and major academic conferences (NIME, ICMC, Pure Data Convention, Linux Audio Conference@Stanford CCRMA, SICMF). His projects have been reviewed on Reuters, Wired, Create Digital Music, We Make Money Not Art, Rhizome, Weave, Digicult, and appeared in the book “New Art/Science Affinities” (CMU and Studio for Creative Enquiry, US). Artist in residence at Inspace (UK) and the National School of Theatre and Contemporary Dance (DK). His work has been funded by the European Commission, Creative Scotland, New Media Scotland, and the Danish Arts Council. Currently, Marco is a ERC-funded PhD student for the Embodied Audio Visual Interaction (EAVI) Research Group at Goldsmiths University, supervised by Professor Atau Tanaka. marcodonnarumma.com
Milan Guštar 12. 10. 2012, 20:00 Milan Guštar teaches at the FAMU Film Faculty and the AVU Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, Czech Republic. An organologist, composer, constructor of electronic and electro-acoustic instruments, and music programmer, he works with mathematical principles, microtonality, algorithmic composition and sonification of visuals. For (DA)(NE)S he will be performing and presenting microtonal work created using graphic scores. Todd Harrop, Asja Grauf, 10. 8. 2012
Cameron Bobro / microtonal workshop, 11. 8. 2012
Zoran Ščekić, 14.9.2012, Photo: Metod Baloh
Aphra Tesla, 21. 9. 2012, Photo (Boštjan Lah)
Milan Guštar, 12. 10. 2012


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