Dirty Fingernails / Črno pod nohti – Festival DaNes 2010 Festival (DA)(NE)S 2010 Dirty Fingernails / Production KID KIBLA / Selector Cameron Bobro
This year we would like to take a look at the “problem-solving” and “handwork” aspects of new-music performance. How do we explore new music on low budgets or no budgets? What constitutes genuine exploration and differentiates it from merely “channel-surfing” in the floodwaters of information? To this end we're choosing the small, the intimate, and withholding the expectation that the guests “put on a show”. If a musician were to decide that it would be best to spend an hour describing how to carve oboe reeds or why they feel forced to be a musician because they didn't have the opportunity to become a fast-food chef as they had dreamed, so be it. But we will kick off by kicking out the jams with an electroacoustic performance by the Doneda/Kocher/Vrhovec-Sambolec/Grom Quartet.
Quartet Michel Doneda/Jonas Kocher/Tao G. Vrhovec-Sambolec/Tomaž Grom 2 December at Kino udarnik Concert of improvised music
Michel Doneda – soprano saxophone Jonas Kocher – accordion Tao G. Vrhovec Sambolec – live electronics (max/msp) Tomaž Grom – contrabass
An international team (France, Switzerland, Holland and Slovenia) of renowned improvisers In an electroacoustic performance on the Kino Udarnik stage. With a combined portfolio too heavy to lift here, we will just mention a few previous accomplishments and co-conspirators, respectively: Fred Van Hove, Phil Wachsmann, Max Eastley, Steve Beresford, John Zorn, Eliott Sharp, Elvin Jones… Urs Leimgruber, Paed Conca, Peter Evans, Michel Doneda, Christian Wolfarth, Christian Weber, Hans Koch, Thomas Lehn, Lukatoyboy, Duo Blank Disc, HarS, Jean Bordé, Ensemble Rue du Nord, Raed Yassin... Will Guthrie, Alzheimer3, Riccardo Massari Spiritini, The Same Girl (Gilles Aubry, Nicolas Field), Sabine Vogel, Dirk Bruinsma... Dough Hammond, Sonny Simmons, Gilles Aubry, Nicolas Field, Sebi Tramontana, Zlatko Kaučič, Sabine Vogel, Jean Phillipe Gross, Ignaz Schick, Michele Spanghero, Ugo Boscain, Diego Chamy, Klaus Filip, Pascal Battus, Jean-Luc Guionnet, Seijiro Murayama, Seymour Wright, Christine Sehnaoui, Martin Küchen, Tim Blechmann, Noid…
MMC KIBLA, 16. december at 9pm Miha Ciglar –Sonic Beams The project “Sonic Beams / Acoustic Shadows” is an audio performance, part of the multi-annual “Ultrasound Haptics Project” bringing to the forefront the development of a special interface for expressions in music, which generates haptic feedback on the sound being produced simultaneously by the instrument/interface. The project integrates the latest technologies from WaveField Synthesis – WFS to various methods of sound analysis in the field of Music Information Retrieval (MIR).
Monika Glahn – Breathing and Being – an introduction to handmade flutes. Monika makes handmade flutes of various types, ranging from bamboo shakahuchi to kaval-like instruments from industrial materials rescued from their mundane lives. The flutes are part of a way of being, connected to breathing and listening in unusual ways. Bring a notebook to take notes on making your own, and you are welcome to join a flute jam session as well!
Marko Košnik – It seems that we are going to be getting some kind of Synthesis Biopsy from Marko Košnik, who needs no introduction. The details of his presentation/performance remain a mystery to us, but there is no doubt that it will be an edifying experience and a delight to the ears.
Peter Tomaž Dobrila – A Sound Experience, always something surprising from a deeply musical guy!
Cameron Bobro – Introduction to Microtonal Music. Bring the acoustic instrument of your choice, and/or a laptop, or simply pen and paper, for this introduction to microtonal music and the challenges and possible solutions of effecting it in real life.
In cooperation:
 Quartet Michel Doneda/Jonas Kocher/Tao G. Vrhovec-Sambolec/Tomaž Grom 2 December at Kino udarnik, Fotografije (avtor Boštjan Lah)
Miha Ciglar –Sonic Beams,Monika Glahn,Marko Košnik,Peter Tomaž Dobrila, Cameron Bobro, Photos (avtor Boštjan Lah)


Projects, Coproduction and International Cooperation

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