Risk ChangeRISK CHANGE (RC) Migration is a natural law: everything moves, everybody migrates. Respect the mobility of life.
Risk Change, a four-year project, reflects and co-constructs migration policies in EU and wider in innovative ways. The project covers the field of contemporary interdisciplinary culture, art and creativity connected to science, especially social and applied sciences and ICT.
In a time when Europe is facing major structural challenges, we want to allude to people to take a risk, if they want a change for the better. RISK is a key word for migrants and CHANGE is a key word for settled inhabitants / non-migrants. The aim of the project is to consolidate active collaboration between different target audiences, especially between new immigrants and people living in multicultural communities or diasporas, by strengthening active interest in all public issues referring to social structures and the development of science and technology in a shared future. To this end, we also wish to set up a sustainable co-working model.
Risk Change is taking place under the honorary patronage of the President of the Republic of Slovenia Borut Pahor.
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Apart from KIBLA, the lead partner, the project is run by 9 other partners from 9 EU countries, as well as 26 associated partners (19 partners from EU countries and 7 non-EU members).
ACE KIBLA Association for Culture and Education Maribor, Slovenia
ACAX Agency for Contemporary Art Exchange Budapest, Hungary
FOPSIM Foundation for the Promotion of Social Inclusion in Malta Žejtun, Malta
MMSU Muzej moderne i suvremene umjetnosti Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Rijeka, Croatia
MSUV :: МСУВ Muzej savremene umetnosti Vojvodine Museum of Contemporary Art Vojvodina Novi Sad, Serbia
RIXC The Center for New Media Culture Riga, Latvia
ZINC Arts et Cultures Numériques Marseille, France
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Athens, Greece
TAKOMAT takomat GmbH Köln, Germany
X-OP Association for contemporary art X-OP Maribor, Slovenia
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Project RISK CHANGE (2016–2020) is co-funded by the Creative Europe Program of the European Union.

"The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein." EventsAll RC projects are here:
2020 The White Aphroid Award 2019: Mladen Miljanović Final partners meeting (27. 8. 2020) International Online Conference: From a City to a City (25. 8. 2020) International Online Conference: Finding a Language of Hospitality (14. 8. 2020) Faculty of Fine Arts Belgrade: K+ (13. 8.—4. 9. 2020) Jiří Surůvka: Gotham City (10. 7.–7. 8. 2020) Zdenko Huzjan: Still Sites (19. 6.–10. 7. 2020) Jože Šubic: Glorious Twelfth (18. 5.—26. 6. 2020) Wild at Heart: Look the Fox in the Eye… (21. 2.–14. 3. 2020) Marko Jakše: Against the Flow (17. 1.—15. 2. 2020) Vlado Repnik Gotvan: Witness (23. 12. 2019—10. 1. 2020)
2019: Oleg Kulik: Golden Fleece – workshop / performance (22. 7. 2019) MMSU Rijeka Risk Change Open Call for citizens (14. 7. 2019) MMSU Rijeka Risk Change Open Call for artworks (14. 7. 2019) International Conference "Pushing Forward: Balkan Migration Route. Update. Solidarity, Art, Culture and Education for Social Change" (18.–19. 6. 2019 Open Call for Entries VIDEOMEDEJA (15. 6. 2019) UN/GREEN. Naturally Artificial Intelligences (4.–7. 7. 2019) KARTA SITUACIJE (Situation Map) (25. 4.–19. 6. 2019)
2018: Risk Change – RIXC, Riga, Latvia (13 September –21. October 2018) Nominees and Winners of the White Aphroid Award 2017 (PDF) White Aphroid Award 2017 Winners (8. 2. 2018) White Aphroid Award 2017 (8. 2. 2018)
2017: RC Creative Communication action in Zejtun, Malta RC lectures New technologies: between creation, usability, and surveillance tools (28. 11. 2017) Risk Change: art residency in Maribor (12.–22. 11. 2017) KIBLIX PHOTO GALLERY SHELTERS OF BABYLON / KIBLIX 2017 - OPENING (9. 11. 2017) Press Conference SHELTERS OF BABYLON (8. 11. 2017) Touring exhibition MIG 21 in Novi Sad, Serbia (27 October 2017–19 November 2017) Risk Change Touring Production Residencies (18–28 October 2017) Study visit Ars Electronica (7.–11. 9. 2017) RC Round table: Through the eyes of the precariat (19. 5. 2017) RC discussion Tadej Toš vs. Peter Tomaž Dobrila (18. 5. 2017) RC open discussion: Is Philosophy Bullshit? (13. 4. 2017) Risk Change Touring Residency (1.–9. 4. 2017) RC Lecture: Damjan Kozole (30. 3. 2017) RC Lecture: Peter Tomaž Dobrila @ Creative Industries Styria (24. 2. 2017) Kiblix Mobil 2017, Saša Spačal, transmediale Berlin (24. 2. 2017) RC Lecture: Uroš Dokl (23. 2. 2017) Kinetica 2017 (17.- 19. 2. 2017) Transmediale Berlin, Study visit (2. - 5. 2. 2017) RC Lecture: dr. Boris Vezjak (26. 1. 2017)
2016: RC lecture: Eva D. Bahovec (24. 11. 2016) The White Aphroid Award Ceremony (18. 11. 2016) Risk Change, meeting of the Expert Commission and conference (16. — 19. 11. 2016) Re-Crea-Tion, Reflection-Creativity-migraTion (25. — 27. 10. 2016) Mega artist talk (8. 10. 2016) MIG 21 ( 7. 10. — 30. 11. 2016)The White Aphroid Award Ceremony Study visit Ars Electronica (8.–12. 9. 2016) Study visit Manifesta Zürich (10. 6. — 18. 6. 2016) Kick off meeting Maribor (6.— 8. 7. 2016)
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