EQF Code
EQF Code
In 2008 ACE Kibla became a partner in a new project concerning lifelong learning. Rationale of this project is the continuously growing skills shortage in the Multimedia sector in several European countries (e.g. Germany, Hungary, Switzerland), which specially affects the field of content development (e-game development/ e-learning content and Multimedia content development). This skills shortage could be overcome by employing practitioners from other European member states. However, this is hampered by the lack of transparency and comparability of qualifications for these professions at European level. Due to the great diversity of vocational training systems across Europe and the fast changing training requirements and needs of the Multimedia sector, it is often impossible for Multimedia companies intending to employ practitioners from other European countries, to determine the real professional competences and skills of potential employees from abroad. Currently, the vocational training for content developers varies exceedingly between the EU member states in duration, content and complexity. Hence content developers across Europe show very different competence and skill profiles, although they often hold quite similar job or qualification titles.
The main objectives of the project are therefore: 1. Analysing the current qualification profiles in the field of content development and describing them by learning outcomes. 2. Referring the determined qualification profiles to the EQF to the national sectoral qualification frameworks and the qualification frameworks developed at European level by using approaches developed in the previous projects "CompTrain" and "Embedding standards". 3. Determine a comprehensive European qualification profile for content developers, and 4. based on this "ideal profile" develop reference material for entreprises and guidelines for training institutions so that they can adapt their training offers in the field of content development accordingly.
The project partnership consists of 8 partners from 7 European member states plus one silent partner from Switzerland. It involves and represents the interests of the main stakeholders of employment in the field of content development. It is composed of Regional, National and European Employers' Associations of the Multimedia Content Industry, a private consultancy and training provider for ICT and innovation projects, a Multimedia company, which is also coordinator of a powerful national IT Cluster, a Multimedia Job Association and a National Economic Chamber, responsible for VET standards in the Multimedia sector. The project consortium already has a common history in successful Leonardo or other EU funded projects and therefore cooperation among the partners is based on mutual trust and reliability. The competences of the consortium will be complemented by an Advisory Board consisting of experts for VET policies in the Multimedia sector, who will on the one hand provide valuable feedback to the project's achievements, and on the other hand, support the dissemination and exploitation of results.
The main outcomes and results of the project will be: 1. National qualification profiles in the field of content development described by learning outcomes., 2. Transfer of the methods and approaches developed in the course of the projects "CompTrain" and "Embedding standards" to link qualifications to national sectoral frameworks and the European qualification framework. 3. Comprehensive European qualification profiles for jobs in the field of content development, 4. Reference material for entreprises and guidelines for training institutions so that they can adapt their training offers in the field of content development accordingly.
EQF Code project partners: AME – Multimedia Jobs Association – France Association for Culture and Education (ACE) KIBLA – Slovenia European Multimedia Forum (EMF) – UK GAIA – Spain MATISZ – Hungary md-pro – Germany milestone – Austria Swiss Media – Switzerland WIFI – Austria Coordination: md-pro, Germany
Main project results for download:
Info:Dejan Pestotnik dejanx@kibla.org
More info - education in 2010, EQF Code conference, March 19 2010 in Köln, Germany (didakta) http://www.kibla.org/dejavnosti/izobrazevanje/2010/eqf-koln/
