INDU.PIK (Interreg IIIA 2000 - 2006) The project is partly funded by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) within the framework of the Community Initiative Programme INTERRREG IIIA Slovenia-Austria 2000-2006.
Industrial culture heritage is a new dimension which is slowly getting established in the Slovenian and European realm, bringing new possibilities and opportunities. Revitalisation of old buildings serves to preserve the engineering and architectural heritage of the modern history of industrial and coalmining regions. A new, innovative environment is being created, expanding the concept of the cultural and tourist centre, and offering possibilities for the development of service industries and employment opportunities. from the project Industrial architecture, which has co-shaped our towns and settlements over the past two hundred years, is undoubtedly a vital part of our past. During that time, industry was the basis of economic and social development, and an important co-designer of new aspects of our identity. Abroad, there have been many successful restorations of important abandoned historic industrial areas, which have in turn become the epicentres of activity and development of new, non-industrial enterprises. Highlighting the industrial identity and heritage is the starting point for the revitalisation of industrial centres taking part in the INDU.PIK project. Dr. Sonja Ifko
Site name: PESJE SORTING PLANT. Site location: Slovenia. The site is situated in direct vicinity of the town of Velenje, in the settlement called Pesje. On the southern side, it borders on the railway line, while the Paka river runs past it on the northern side. Year of construction: The Pesje sorting plant was built in 1986; trial operation of all machinery of the replacement crushing and sorting plant started in March of 1987. Since the end of 2004, the actual sorting plant building no longer serves its original purpose. Original and present owner of the site: the Premogovnik Velenje, d.d. corporation. Business activity for which the site was/is being used: Between 1987 and 2004 the site was used for sorting of all the lignite, mined at the Velenje coalmine, into different classes. Effectively, different sale products - kinds of lignite - ensued. Reasons for identifying and including the site into the Project: The Pesje sorting plant no longer serves its original purpose. It has been excluded from the production process. As such, it is no use to anybody and unless revitalised, it will be demolished. In the latter case, the Šale{ka dolina valley stands to lose another piece of its industrial culture heritage. The Project should be able to prevent that from happening.
Site name: OLD BOILER SHED. Site location: The structure is situated inside the former common railway grounds adjacent to the Koro{ki kolodvor railway station. It is located on the south side of the perimeter between the railway tracks and the railway settlement. Kurilniška ulica 8, Si-2000 Maribor, Slovenia. Year of construction: The old boiler shed was build in 1863. Original and present owner of the site: Company: Južne železnice, Central Railway Workshops Ljubljana, Manufacturing Division Maribor - owned by Holding Slovenske železnice d.o.o. Business activity for which the site was/is being used: The site continues to serve as a repair-and-maintenance workshop for electric and diesel locomotives, and diesel trains. Reasons for identifying and including the site into the Project: The Old Boiler Shed is a cultural monument. Much of technical heritage in Maribor has already been destroyed, which makes it even more important that the remaining heritage be documented and assigned a value. The site is closely related to the development of Maribor, its industry and tradition. It makes every sense that it be included in the INDU.PIK project.
Site name: PTUJ WINE CELLAR. Site location: The complex, which is listed on the cultural heritage register, is located on the outskirts of the old town centre of Ptuj. Ptujska klet vinarstvo d.o.o., Vinarski trg 1, Si-2250 Ptuj, Slovenia. Year of construction: The available research data does not make it possible to pinpoint the actual year of construction of the building, which, judging by smaller wine cellars, dates back to the second half of the 19th century. The main refurbishments of the wine cellar took place in the period 1922 - 1944. Original and present owner of the site: Until the end of World War II, the building was managed by the Vinogradni{ke posesti in vinska klet Josip Ornig company, established in 1853. In 1898, the business was taken over by the grandson and former Ptuj mayor Josef Ornig, who was succeeded by his son Pavel Ornig in 1922. Since 2002, the Ptuj wine cellar has been owned by Ptujska klet vinarstvo d.o.o., a subsidiary of the Perutnina Ptuj d.d. group. Business activity for which the site was/is being used: Throughout its history, the Ptuj Wine Cellar has been associated with winemaking (whites and reds, sparkling wines, vintage wines and digestives). Reasons for identi- fying and including the site into the Project: Ptuj Wine Cellar is a model of industrial culture heritage, which makes it an architectural, engineering and technological site of national importance. Ptujska klet vinarstvo d.o.o. is a progressive business, which in the area of the former Ornigova klet wine cellar functions as a unique, modern ecomuseum. It is a mandatory Ptuj and national tourist destination, where, to a large extent, the ambient, wooden wine utensils and the treasury of Ptuj vintage wines have been preserved, including the oldest preserved Slovenian wine Zlata trta from 1917. The project aims to draw attention to the strategic integration of quality winemaking traditions into the planning of future development of the Ptuj wine cellar.
Site name: KARLSCHACHT FORMER COAL MINING WASHROOM. Site location: Rosental an der Kainach / Region of Voitsberg Year of construction: The Karlschaht was build in 1957. Original and present owner of the site: Original owner: GKB-Bergbau GmbH, Voitsberger Str 17, A-8572 Bärnbach. Present owner: Technologie- und Gründerpark Rosental GesmbH, Hauptstraße 85, A-8582 Rosenal an der Kainach. Business activity for which the site was/is being used: coal mining washroom for the miners, office for the survey, room of descent into the mine, etc. Current activity: Technology and foundation Center Reasons for identifying and including the site into the Project: This object is a good example for revitalization of an old mining-building. On an area of 5.700 qm there are new offices and factories. 50 people are working here.
Contact: MO Velenje: helena.knez@velenje.si (project leader) KID KIBLA: reza@kibla.si ZRS BISTRA: ales@bistra.si Telepark Bärnbach Errichtungsund Betriebs GmbH: telepark@baernbach.at
Exhibition INDU.PIK (MMC KIBLA, August 2006)MMC Kibla cordially invited you to the opening of the INDU.PIK exhibition on Tuesday, 22nd of August 2006 at 8pm that took place in Kibar, MMC KIBLA, Maribor.
Industrial culture heritage is a new dimension which is slowly getting established in the Slovenian and European realm, bringing new possibilities and opportunities. Revitalisation of old buildings serves to preserve the engineering and architectural heritage of the modern history of industrial and coalmining regions. A new, innovative environment is being created, expanding the concept of the cultural and tourist centre, and offering possibilities for the development of service industries and employment opportunities. from the project Industrial architecture, which has co-shaped our towns and settlements over the past two hundred years, is undoubtedly a vital part of our past. During that time, industry was the basis of economic and social development, and an important co-designer of new aspects of our identity. Abroad, there have been many successful restorations of important abandoned historic industrial areas, which have in turn become the epicentres of activity and development of new, non-industrial enterprises. Highlighting the industrial identity and heritage is the starting point for the revitalisation of industrial centres taking part in the INDU.PIK project. Dr. Sonja Ifko
Industrial culture heritage sites included in the project are: PESJE SORTING PLANT (near VELENJE) MARIBOR OLD BOILER SHED PTUJ WINE CELLAR. KARLSCHACHT FORMER COAL MINING WASHROOM. Partners of the projects are Velenje Municipality, Scientific research centre Bistra Ptuj, Association for Culture and Education Kibla and Telepark Bärnbach Errichtungs und Betriebs GmbH. INDU.PIK project is managed by Velenje Municipality and is partly financed by Europian Union within the spheres of INTERREG III programme, Slovenia - Austria 2000-2006. VideoIndu.pik exhibition - video (QuickTime)
Photo gallery - exhibition in MMC KIBLA
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 Helena Knez, Mestna občina Velenje
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 predstavnika ZRS Bistra, Ptuj
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Catalogue INDU:PIK |


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