EMMA - European Multimedia Accelerator
European Multimedia Accelerator (EMMA) is one of the technological projects from the IST field (Information Society Technologies, Fifth Frame Programme) within the spheres of the European Union.
The mission of the European Multimedia Accelerator is to encourage and help European multimedia enterprises to successfully enter the U.S. market. With the sponsorship of some of the leading multimedia trade unions and the support of European commission, European Multimedia Accelerator assures a series of services that help enterprises with the search of new business possibilities on foreign multimedia and informational technology markets.
European Multimedia Accelerator was placed with the intention of achieving the following goals: - to accelerate the entrance of European enterprises on the foreign multimedia and informational technology markets - to stress the presence of European products and services on foreign markets - to connect European enterprises with American partners - to develop international business of European multimedia industry - to enable business and technological partnerships between Europe and U.S.A.
In the union of European Multimedia Opinion Poll we have put together a presentation of the concept of accelerator's services on the basis of the results of the opinion polls in the European multimedia enterprises (analysis were made by DMMV and GAIA). The results of the opinion poll demonstrated some of the main services for which the enterprises showed the biggest interest in at the point of breaking through on the american market. The union has also recognized that European enterprises are interested in the entire american market, not only the Silicon Valley area.
The net of service offerers, counsellors and professionals for European enterprises willl be restored the same way as it has been done in San Francisco area, also New York and Miami area which enterprises placed on the second and third place of the most attractive areas .
Partners of the Association for Culture and Education KIBLA (KID KIBLA) in the project European Multimedia Acceletator EMMA that gained the support of European Commission in FP5 (Framework Programme 5), IST area (Information Society Technologies): - European Multimedia Forum – EMF, Brussels, Belgium, - German Multimedia Association (Deutsche Multimedia Verband – DMMV), Berlin, Germany, - GAIA (Basque Association of Enterprises for IT and Electronics), San Sebastian, Spain, - University of Economics Wroclaw, Poland, - Innova Consulting Group – ICG, Rome, Italy - and San Jose, U.S.A.

KID KIBLA is a partner of European Multimedia Associations Convention (EMMAC) with headquarters in Brussels, the entire affiliation and the activities of EMMAC can be seen on the following website: :http://www.e-multimedia.org
Other interesting IT & Multimedia Business links: http://www.kit.kibla.si http://www.e-multimedia.org http://www.check-out-europe.com http://www.europa.eu.int/information_society http://www.europa.eu.int/information_society/istevent/2004
Contact: Dejan Pestotnik dejanx@kibla.org KIT KIBLA Glavni trg 14 SI - 2000 Maribor Phone: 00 386 (0)2 252 44 40