Culture 2000 In 2006 Kibla started working on 2 new Culture 2000 projects. Between the years 2002 and 2005 participated at six projects co-financed by the European Commission program.
- gRig
- TIE - Travel In Europe
- e - AGORA
- txOom
- VCMnet
- TranzArt Dislocated
- Soziale Geraeusche/Social Noises
In 2006 two new multiannual projects started: - gRig - Guild for Reality integrators and generators, - TiE - Travel in Europe.
In the years 2004-2005 we carried out the following annual projects approved by the Culture 2000 program:
- e-AGORA This project developed virtual multimedia space for production and presentation of performance art. e-AGORA included workshops for the making of DVD, conclusion of the project was a presentation at the Prague Festival Entermultimediale2 in the beginning of May 2005.
- TRG – Transient reality generators Transient reality generators is a continuation of the tx0om project. Its main focus is a relatively new phenomenon-mixed reality. At the same time it investigates interactive responsive environments where human are intermediaries.
Between the years 2002 - 2003 KIBLA co-organized one annual project (tx0om) and one multiannual project (Virtual Centre Media Net) and collaborated as a partner in two annual projects (TRANZart disLOCATED and Soziale Geräusche) which were co-financed by the European Commission with the Culture 2000 program.
- tx0om Textures in bloom (tx0om) was a project that investigated interactive, intelligent and responsive environments where body becomes intermediary. It included public presentations of scientific experiments, workshops and fields of investigation and development of experimental technologies, interaction between a human and a computer, digital physics, fenomenology and biomimetics.
- Virtual Centre Media Net The goal of the Virtual Centre (VCMN) that connects Kibla with European media centres is a co-production and promotion of contemporary arts (cybernetics and video art, digital photography, multimedia design, music) and co-organization of online events and events in real space.
- TRANZart disLOCATED At the end of May 2003 Kibla concluded TransArtDislocated project whose goal was to revive medieval synagogues with different events. Slovene art was represented by Polona Maher and Simona Suc. At the end of the project (autumn 2003) a catalogue that included teorethical, art historian, contemporary and synoptic documentary part was published.
- Soziale Geraeusche/Social Noises In the Social Buzzing project (Soziale Geräusche) Kibla collaborated as partner. From the contents point of view Social Buzzing established dialog between 4 countries and searched for structural and historical parallels or differences, at the same time wanting to bring attention to xenophobia, stereotypes and inter-human exchange in the time of expansion of European Union.
Contact: Peter Tomaž Dobrila