X-OP International Platform eXchange of Operators and Producers
Duration 2008 – 2011
X-OP - eXchange of art operators and producers is gradually growing network of artists, researchers, operators, producers and centers with the aim to establish European platform for creation of art and exchange. With its places, spaces and user accustomed technological infrastructure it fosters mobility of artists, theoreticians and executives. It is built to strengthen the pan-European collaboration, common production and interdisciplinary approach to art.
Therefore the art realisation will be outlined by various segments of creators, from practical to theoretical, each of them contouring his/hers professional skills and preferences. So the production will result in a complex artistic procedure to build the art-work that will consider all aspects of approaches and will consist of all necessary elements and needed parts and facts to be ready for touring around and showing on all spaces.
Art-work will be a set-up of fluidly assembled sources and will be structured for environment transformation to accommodate new surrounding circumstances and existing conditions. Beside interdisciplinary art creation and production the X-OP network will focus its activities in the sustainable mobility around art centers, residencies and other spaces, places and initiatives in Europe.
The mobility will embrace at the wide levels of the rural territory, where most of the residential centers for art creation and presentation are, to urban landscapes with their institutions’ constellation and open territories between both. The issue is not only to communicate through the virtual space, but also to walk in the physical space.
By long-term cooperation the partner centers wish to establish and further develop infrastructural and information supportive environment in relation to information technology, digital culture and art creation in wide aspect from art production and presentation to research and education.
Key conceptions Spacing – mapping Sourcing – collecting Setting – producing Siding – presenting Stating – releasing
Establish multi-sectorial cooperation between centers, producers, operators, artists and researchers wih the view to developing ICT infrastructure which enables quick broadband networks for research, education, culture, art and business environments, a suitable infrastructure for centers of art production and interdisciplinary fields of research. Activities: workshops, public presentations, exhibitions, performances, residencies. Publication of catalogue series on different aspects of the project and DVDs.
Partners consortium: Kulturno izobraževalno društvo KIBLA (KID KIBLA) / Association for Culture and Education KIBLA (ACE KIBLA), Maribor, Slovenia - http://www.kibla.si/ Muzej moderne i suvremene umjetnosti, Rijeka - http://www.mmsu.hr Media in Motion, Berlin, Germany http://www.mediainmotion.de/x-op/index_x-op.html Egon March Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia - http://www.iflugs.hdk-berlin.de/emi/ MoKS – Kunsti ja Sotsiaalpraktika Keskus / Center for Art and Social Practice, Mooste, Estonia - http://moks.ee/site/pmwiki.php?n=Main.X-OPProject CIANT – International Centre for Art and New Technologies, Prague, Czech Republic- http://www.ciant.cz/ Instituto Politecnico de Tomar / Politechnic of Tomar, Tomar, Portugal - http://www.ipt.pt/ MAA – Taidekoulu / Art School, Helsinki, Finland - http://www.taidekoulumaa.fi/ Apartment Project, Istanbul, Turkey - http://www.apartmentproject.com/ Rahmenwerk – Transforming Freedom, Vienna, Austria - http://www.transformingfreedom.com/



Projects, Coproduction and International Cooperation
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