Virtual Storytelling in Cultural Heritage Conference, MariborVirtual Storytelling in Cultural Heritage Conference 27.11.2017 09:00 
H2020-CS8-CSA- Virtual Multi-Modal Museum (ViMM) 27/11/2017 Thematic Area 2 Directions: Expert Working Groups Meeting / International Conference in Maribor, Slovenia: Virtual Storytelling in Cultural Heritage
Venues: 1. Multimedia Centre KIBLA, Narodni dom Maribor, groundfloor, Ul. Kneza Koclja 9, Maribor, Slovenia, 9:00 – 13:00 2. KIBLA PORTAL, Valvasorjeva 40, Maribor, 2nd floor - lunch time and 2nd part of the conference, 13:30 – 18:00
Time | Theme | Presenter | 9.00 | Welcoming and TA2 objectives | Aleksandra Kostič and Petja Janžekovič, ACE KIBLA | 9.15 | Creating Engaging Tactile-immersive Museum Experiences Utilising User-centered Design | Dr. Kaja Antlej, Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia
| 9.45 | Full Body Interaction and Digital Immersion | Ghislaine Boddington, University of Greenwich and Women Shift Digital | 10.15 | Technical Challenges of Real to Virtual Reality | Tadej Vindiš, Goldsmiths, University of London | 10.30 | COFFEE BREAK - VR and AR showcases by ArtRebel, Ljubljana, Slovenia | 11.00 | Virtual Museum of Mining 4th Dritl, Trbovlje | Bogdan Šteh, New Media Town Trbovlje, Slovenia | 11.15 | E-Cult_value – presentation of augmented reality | Tadej Vindiš, Goldsmiths, University of London and Žiga Pavlovič, interaction designer, Vienna | 12.00 | Critical Observations of Virtual Applications | Savvas Varitimiadis, Field Archaeologist at Ministry of Culture And Tourism Athens | 12.30 | Content Development by Audio Medium | Vincent de Koning, Big Orange, Amsterdam, Netherland | 13.00 | Bridging the Gap between Museums and Technology Providers | Francesca Guerrera, Art Wonder and Learning Technologies Research Centre, Ravensbourne | 13.30 | LUNCH at the KIBLA PORTAL | 14.30 | Ancient Glass Acid Etching (a potential story: an object and a master in a real and a virtual world) | Aleš Lombergar, artisan, Slovenia | 14:45 | VR Help Children with Special Needs to Visit Museums | Eleni Kirioti, Ministry of Education, Digitalization of Mobile Monuments of Greek Museums, Thessaloniki, Greece | 15:00
| Coffee break and reorganization of participants into groups
| All experts
| 15.15 | TA2 Working Groups: SWOT and Creative Idea Module workshop / experts working in 3 groups: 1.Tech and Tools (Vindiš, Varytimiadis, de Koning, Biba Tominc), 2.Meaningful Contents Versus the Real World (Antlej, Kirioti, Lombergar, Šteh), 3.Future in Mind (Guerrera, Požlep, Pavlovič, Janžekovič) | All experts, Aleksandra Kostič, ACE KIBLA |
| | 17.30 | Wrap-up, Conclusion and Future Steps | All experts, Petja Janžekovič and Aleksandra Kostič (ACE KIBLA) | 18:00 | End of Meeting | | 20.00 | Dinner, recommended by KIBLA | All Experts and ACE KIBLA |
European Project: Virtual Multimodal Museum / ViMM https://www.vi-mm.eu Section: Thematic Area Directions Venues: Multimedia Centre KIBLA and KIBLA PORTAL, Maribor, Slovenia Date: 27th of November, 9:00–18:00
Invited speakers: Francesca Guerrera, Kaja Antlej, Vincent de Koning, Tadej Vindiš, Savvas Varitimiadis, Ghislaine Boddington, Bogdan Šteh
Showcases: ArtRebel, Pristop Creative, eCult Value, Reformabit
Content frame: There is a need for knowledge about tools to be used in the creation of Virtual Museums (of all types) as well as a need for an easy way to access best practice examples for designing a VM (from narrative to interaction).
Virtual Multimodal Museum, Thematic Area Directions identifies and assesses emerging technical issues, innovations and tools which can improve the ‘digital encounter’, such as quality of images, sonic narratives, display and interactivity with digital objects, new ways of personalized storytelling, embodied interaction, user-generated content and adaptive guidance. This will help establish the main technical ‘pipelines’ for virtual media and its different, adapted ways to bridge the physical and the digital world (depending on the user location, i.e. at home/office/school or on site, where the environment is paramount).
On the conference we will work it out following themes/relying on the experts/still under construction:
- design process, technical and financial viability and maintenance of VM collections and functionalities;
- innovative tools and methods to extract meaning from digital artefacts, including video recordings, audio recordings, digital images, text, multispectral and thermal information and 3D representations of objects or scenes;
- the potential of the Cloud to enhance the ability of both existing museums and ‘start-up’ VM to support and sustain use of new ICT technology e.g. through reducing costs and storing content;
- possibilities for assisting curation of different types of VM by providing layout options which allow for flexibility and diversity of appearance, interactive personalization by users of the viewing experience and depth of information depending on their interests, age, technical skills and depth of understanding;
- establishing meaningful narratives for collections and displays and story-led interpretation within VM and addressing the fundamental issues required to make this happen e.g. workable frameworks for image rights and the ability of museums to support new ICT technology;
- the process and methods of scientific validation of VM information (currently quite advanced concerning the visualization of antiquities and objects but not sufficiently elaborated and structured concerning multiple experiences and interaction of the visitor with VM);
- selection of different interfaces (hand-held, PC-based, integrated, smart replicas) that allow seamlessly blending or being an addition to the on-site and on-line dimensions;
- robust and standardized presentation (html5, webGL3, DX12/13, JAVA, …) and transfer techniques (http/ftp/sftp/lan and others) for porting content accessibly to the user, designed for specific device hardware types (mobile/desktop etc.);
- the use of social media networks to enhance the dissemination process of published content by linking users together, sharing their experiences and creating groups of interest; identification of content;
- methods for crowdsourcing content and allowing user-generated content on cloud-computing for VM.
The aim is to give insight into the steps to be taken before implementing VR/AR in a heritage experience. The WGs aim is to give a clear overview of all the possibilities concerning technologies needed to implement VR/AR, content development, and sustainable development.
ViMM has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Program as Coordination and Support Action, under GA n° 727107 This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement COOP8-CSA-727107
Platform: http://www.vi-mm.eu Like and follow us: https://www.facebook.com/virtualmultimodalmuseum Twitter: https://twitter.com/vimmuseum and on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/8578688 Photo: Kristijan Robič, Kibla archive


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