
Manica Klenovšek Musil: Textile Illustrations

Manica Klenovšek Musil: Textile Illustrations
4 September–31 October 2020
Negova Castle
Festival of Love

In the frame of the Festival of Love, special delight is offered to all generations: an exhibition of Manica Klenovšek Musil’s textile illustrations, which will open on Friday, 4 September 2020 at 6 p.m. followed by an interview with the artist and a presentation of her books at 7 p.m. The next day, on Saturday, 5 September 2020, Manica will dedicate herself to children with a workshop at 2 p.m. All events are free.

Born in Ptuj, Slovenia, in 1974 at first Manica Klenovšek Musil wanted to study piano. But she soon turned her attention to other areas, including architecture. After she graduated, her first building – the Municipal Building in Gorisnica (Slovenia) – won the international Grand Prix at the Leonardo competition for young architects in Minsk, 2005. Meanwhile, she also won some awards for her graphic art. Between 2002 and 2006 her work was featured on 11 Slovenian stamps. After the birth of her first child (of three), she expanded her creativity and began to write stories and poems. Between 2011 and 2017 she published 9 children’s books for various distinguished Slovenian publishers. Her books are becoming increasingly known around the world. The animals from her books have inspired her to re-create them as installations for galleries or other public spaces. Why not even for parks…? It is most probably her background in architecture that makes her perceive her books rather more as entire projects than simply as books. As she has recently remarked, »When I get old (which I’ll probably never be), I want to have my own picture book museum. Eric Carle has one, there’s one in Japan, why not the third one.«


•    3×3 Professional Show No. 19, Merit (for Tonya the Fish), New York, 2022
•    3×3 Professional Show No. 19, Merit (for Two Little Architects), New York, 2022

•    2021 LAUREATES of the Russian Book Illustration Contest »Image of the Book« (for Two Little Architects), Moscow International Book Fair the winners of the 14th edition of  »Image of the Book«, Moscow, Russia 2021

•    Best Creativity Prize (We are Pigs), 1st Oriental Kids Picture Book Award, Nanjing/Suzhou, China
•    Special Merit at Eight Croatian Biennale of Illustration, Zagreb, Croatia
•    Robbie the Lion/Lvíček Bertík was in the Czech Republic among best children books in the year 2019

•    Little Hakka Picture Book Competition, Nomination (for Stan the Elephant), Shenzhen, China, 2019
•    Little Hakka Picture Book Competition, Nomination (for No, I won’t!, unpublished), Shenzhen, China, 2019
•    2019 LAUREATES of the Russian Book Illustration Contest »Image of the Book«  (for STAN THE ELEPHANT), Moscow International Book Fair the winners of the 12th edition of »Image of the Book«, Moskva, Rusija 2019
•    Glazer Credential for distinctive production in the sphere of culture, Maribor 2019
•    3×3 Professional Show No.16, Merit, (for No, I won’t!), New York 2019
•    3×3 Picture book Show No.16, Honorable mention, New York 2019

•    Best of the Best (Stan the Elephant), Hiii Illustration 2017, China 2018
•    Merit at the 3x3 Picture Book Show No. 15 (Robbie the Lion), New York, USA 2018

•    Honorary Mention Award for Book Illustration Category (Stan the Elephant), Global Illustration Award, Frankfurt, Germany
•    The puppet play The Naughty Pigs is among Golden Stick Festival, 17th Festival of Performing Arts for Children and Young People, Ljubljana, Slovenia 2017
•    Merit at the 3x3 Picture Book Show No. 14 (Franky the Anteater), New York 2017
•    Honorable mention, 3x3 Picture book Show No. 14 (Friends), New York 2017
•    Best Books in Jiangsu Province (The Naughty Pigs), China 2017
•    Special prize for innovative illustration approach (Three Kittens and a Dragon), The 6th Book Illustration Festival BookILL Fest, Novi Sad, Serbia 2017

•    Golden medals (Stan The Elephant; Three Kittens and a Dragon), 3×3 Picture book Show No. 13, New York, USA 2016
•    Best of the Best (The Naughty Pigs), Hiii Illustration 2015, China 2016
•    The honorable mention (The Magic Shell), Hiii Illustration 2015, China 2016
•    Special prize for innovative illustration approach (The Naughty Pigs), The 5th Book Illustration Festival BookILL Fest, Novi Sad, Serbia 2016

•    The Best Designed Slovenian Book Award / Books for Children and Young Adults (The Naughty Pigs), Slovenia 2015
•    Merit at the 3x3 Picture Book Show No. 12 (The Naughty Pigs), New York, USA 2015

•    COW Illustration 2014, TOP 10 Illustrators, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukrain

•    top-five nomination for ‘Plecnik award’, Ljubljana, Slovenia 2006
•    Grand Prix at the International Architectural competition ‘Leonardo’, for young architects of II. region UIA for the best realization, Minsk, Belarus 2005
•    1. prize at the International Architectural competition ‘Leonardo’ for young architects of II. region UIA in category of public buildings, Minsk, Belarus 2005
•    several award-winning stamps designed for Post of Slovenia

Selected exhibitions & projects

•    Imaginery Worlds, Helga Bansch/Manica K. Musil, Pavel Haus, curator David Kranzelbinder, Bad Radkersburg, Austria, Maj-July 2022

•    Solo exhibition, Glarner Landesbibliothek, Glarus, Switzerland, September-November 2021
•    BIB, Bienniale of Illustrations Bratislava, Slovakia 2021
•    14th Slovenian Biennial of Illustration (participation in the exhibition), Ljubljana, Slovenia 2021/22

•    Solo exhibition, Negova Castle, Negova, Slovenia, 2020
•    Hiii Illustration exhibition, Nanjing, China, 2020
•    8th Croatian Biennial of Illustration, Klovićevi dvori Gallery, Zagreb, Croatia, 2020
•    Solo exhibition, Kresija Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2020

•    Solo exhibition, Slovenia Center, Prague, Czech Republic, December 2019–February 2020
•    BIB – bienale ilustracij Bratislava, Slovaška 2019
•    Razstava ilustracij v Gradski knjižnici Juraj Šižgorić, Šibenik, Hrvaška 2019

•    Stitchings (solo exhibition), curator Mojca Štuhec, UGM Studio, Maribor, Slovenia 2018
•    Sodelovanje na razstavi festivala festival ilustracije knjige »BookILL Fest«, Novi Sad 2018
•    13th Slovenian Biennial of Illustration (participation in the exhibition), Ljubljana, Slovenia 2018

•    Member of a jury of 1. Little Hakka Picture Book Competition, Shenzhen, China, 2017
•    Member of a jury of Hiii Illustration 2016 International Competition, China, 2017
•    The Thread Unraveled, invitational, curator Samina Islam, VM Art Gallery, Karachi, Pakistan 2017
•    Exhibition of excellence picture books, invitational, International Cultural Industry, Shenzhen, China 2017
•    BIB, Bienniale of Illustrations Bratislava, Slovakia 2017
•    Sodelovanje na razstavi festivala ilustracije knjige »BookILL Fest«, Novi Sad 2017

•    The puppet play The Naughty Pigs (Pobalinska pujsa), Puppet Theatre Maribor 2016
•    Children’s project ‘Chickens’ (The Naughty Pigs), Puppet Theatre Maribor 2016
•    Hiii Illustration exhibition (winning works), Hangzhou City, China 2016
•    Exhibition 'Ideas on Paper', Beijing Jingren Cultural Development Corp, (the works in the exhibition were winning works from previous years’ Hiii Typography and Hiii Illustration), Beijing, China 2016
•    12th Slovenian Biennial of Illustration (participation in the exhibition), Ljubljana, Slove-nia 2016
•    Solo exhibition at Nanjing Arts Institute, Nanjing, China, 2016
•    Croatian Biennial of Illustration, Klovićevi dvori Gallery, Zagreb, Croatia 2016
•    Exhibition at The 5th Book Illustration Festival 'BookILL Fest' Novi Sad, Serbia 2016
•    Exhibition of illustrations from the book The Naughty Pigs, Puppet Theatre Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia 2016

•    BIB, Bienniale of Illustrations Bratislava, Slovakia 2015
•    48th Golden Pen of Belgrade (participation in the exhibition), Serbia 2015
•    Exhibition in Hiša Layer (exhibition of 5 Slovenian Illustrators), Kranj, Slovenia 2015

•    COW International Design Festival (participation in the exhibition), Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine 2014
•    11ti Slovenski bienale ilustracije, Galerija Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana 2014

•    47th Golden Pen of Belgrade (participation in the exhibition), Belgrade Serbia 2013
•    KUD France Prešeren (solo exhibition), Trnfest, Ljubljana, Slovenia 2012
•   10th Slovenian Bienniale of Illustration (participation in the exhibition), Ljubljana, Slovenia 2012
•    The 46th Golden Pen of Belgrade (participation in the exhibition), Serbia 2011
•    House of the architecture (solo exhibition), Ljubljana, Slovenia 2011

The festival is carried out within the framework of the RURITAGE project– Heritage for Rural Regeneration, which received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No.


Photo: Janez Klenovšek



KiBela, space for art



Informal education

Accompanying art program


KiBar: cybernetic bar

Za:misel bookstore






Festival of Love 2008-2012

Days of Curiosity


Projects, Coproduction and International Cooperation

Current Projects
  - OASis
  - Integration of children and families in the use of new technologies
  - Direction: Cultural Heritage
  - RUK
  - Digital Heritage Incubator (DDI)
  - Virtual Multimodal Museum (VIMM)
  - Ruritage
    - Marjan Manček: Drawn with Love
    - Festival of Love 2022
    - Castle Day at Negova Castle
    - Herb Day: NEGOVAnJE 2022
    - Press conference at Negova Castle 2022
    - Lila Prap, Recipient of the Hinko Smrekar Award
    - Heritage for Rural Regeneration
    - Lila Prap: Love
    - Festival of Love 2021
    - Medieval Day at the Negova Castle
    - Herb Day: NEGOVAnJE 2021 – Spring
    - RURITAGE Photo Contest Exhibition
    - Press conference at Negova Castle 2021
    - Join the RURITAGE Photo Contest!
    - 35th Breakfast@Sustainability's
    - Festival of Love 2020
    - Press conference at Negova Castle 2020
    - Manica Klenovšek Musil: Textile Illustrations
  - Caravan NEXT
  - Carnval
  - Mreža multimedijskih centrov
  - X-OP


Past Projects

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