
Lila Prap, Recipient of the Hinko Smrekar Award

Lila Prap, Recipient of the Hinko Smrekar Award

Lila Prap is the recipient of the Hinko Smrekar Award at the 14th Slovenian Biennial of Illustration, which takes place at the Cankarjev dom in Ljubljana. The artist was awarded for her illustrations in her authorial picture book Birds?! (Mladinska knjiga, 2019). The jury's justification highlighted the artist's artistic expression, created in dry pastels on a dark, mostly black ground, which is recognizable at first glance. Her imaginative and creative approach, with which the artist approaches the logic of her (youngest) audience, is based on perception at the level of intuitive impressions of the whole. »In a world saturated with images of dubious artistic value, conveyed by modern communication media, the opportunity to come into contact with high-quality illustrated books such as her picture books is extremely valuable for impressionable children's souls.«

Her exhibition Love was also on display in the manor house of Negova Castle from 3 September to 31 October 2021.

Lila Prap is one of our most rewarded and cherished, not only illustrators but also writers and poets. There is probably no one who does not know her creation, and many of us have her books on our shelves as well. Lila's first book for children, for which she contributed both texts and illustrations, is the picture book Little Creatures, translated soon after publishing. She made her international breakthrough with the picture book Why?, which became a global phenomenon. She is undoubtedly one of the most internationally established authors in Slovenia. Her works have reached more than 38 countries, and each year, she adds something new to this list. Her oeuvre comprises 17 unique picture books, around 80 thousand copies of which have been published in Slovenian, and more than 600 thousand copies in foreign languages. In Bologna (1998 and 2001), she was selected among 97 representative illustrators of the world, in Chicago among the ten best (2002). She has also been nominated for the Andersen Award twice.

Project RURITAGE - Rural regeneration through systemic heritage-led strategies has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776465.




KiBela, space for art



Informal education

Accompanying art program


KiBar: cybernetic bar

Za:misel bookstore






Festival of Love 2008-2012

Days of Curiosity


Projects, Coproduction and International Cooperation

Current Projects
  - OASis
  - Integration of children and families in the use of new technologies
  - Direction: Cultural Heritage
  - RUK
  - Digital Heritage Incubator (DDI)
  - Virtual Multimodal Museum (VIMM)
  - Ruritage
    - Marjan Manček: Drawn with Love
    - Festival of Love 2022
    - Castle Day at Negova Castle
    - Herb Day: NEGOVAnJE 2022
    - Press conference at Negova Castle 2022
    - Lila Prap, Recipient of the Hinko Smrekar Award
    - Heritage for Rural Regeneration
    - Lila Prap: Love
    - Festival of Love 2021
    - Medieval Day at the Negova Castle
    - Herb Day: NEGOVAnJE 2021 – Spring
    - RURITAGE Photo Contest Exhibition
    - Press conference at Negova Castle 2021
    - Join the RURITAGE Photo Contest!
    - 35th Breakfast@Sustainability's
    - Festival of Love 2020
    - Press conference at Negova Castle 2020
    - Manica Klenovšek Musil: Textile Illustrations
  - Caravan NEXT
  - Carnval
  - Mreža multimedijskih centrov
  - X-OP


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