
Join the RURITAGE Photo Contest!

Join the RURITAGE Photo Contest!

Do you want to show the world what makes Gornja Radgona and the Municipality of Maribor special? Then take part in the RURITAGE Photo Contest! It is a unique opportunity for local communities to highlight the potential of our natural and cultural heritage!

The Photo Contest is organised within the scope of RURITAGE – a European research project that seeks to transform rural areas into laboratories of sustainable development, building on the enhancement of their exceptional cultural and natural heritage potential. Nineteen rural areas, including Gornja Radgona, joined the project from its start as pilot areas, or Role Models and Replicators. Another seventeen rural areas became a part of the project following its call for additional Replicators. All these rural areas are now invited to join the RURITAGE Photo Contest.

The Photo Contest is taking place from 1 June until 30 November 2020. Both individuals and organisation can join it. To become a participant, they need to submit photos of the rural areas participating in the Photo Contest. The images should reflect the uniqueness of the rural territories and celebrate their natural and cultural heritage. Furthermore, participants are encouraged to highlight their local regeneration actions. Following the RURITAGE approach, such actions can be identified in six Systemic Innovation Areas: Pilgrimage, Resilience, Sustainable Local Food Production, Integrated Landscape Management, Migration, and Art and Festivals.

The winner of the RURITAGE photo contest will be invited by the project to its final conference, which will take place in Paris in 2022. The best photos submitted to the contest will be displayed at the UNESCO Headquarters as well as highlighted on the websites of the project and its partners, including UNESCO, ICLEI Europe, University of Bologna, KULTPROTUR, KIBLA, and many more.

For further information about the RURITAGE Photo Contest, click here. To read detailed rules of the RURITAGE Photo Contest, click here. To participate in the RURITAGE Photo Contest, submit your photos via this form.
Join the RURITAGE Photo Contest and show the world what makes our rural area special!

To know more about the RURITAGE project, visit  RURITAGE has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776465.

For additional information about the participation of the Negova Castle in RURITAGE, please contact and/or

Project RURITAGE - Rural regeneration through systemic heritage-led strategies has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776465.




KiBela, space for art



Informal education

Accompanying art program


KiBar: cybernetic bar

Za:misel bookstore






Festival of Love 2008-2012

Days of Curiosity


Projects, Coproduction and International Cooperation

Current Projects
  - OASis
  - Integration of children and families in the use of new technologies
  - Direction: Cultural Heritage
  - RUK
  - Digital Heritage Incubator (DDI)
  - Virtual Multimodal Museum (VIMM)
  - Ruritage
    - Marjan Manček: Drawn with Love
    - Festival of Love 2022
    - Castle Day at Negova Castle
    - Herb Day: NEGOVAnJE 2022
    - Press conference at Negova Castle 2022
    - Lila Prap, Recipient of the Hinko Smrekar Award
    - Heritage for Rural Regeneration
    - Lila Prap: Love
    - Festival of Love 2021
    - Medieval Day at the Negova Castle
    - Herb Day: NEGOVAnJE 2021 – Spring
    - RURITAGE Photo Contest Exhibition
    - Press conference at Negova Castle 2021
    - Join the RURITAGE Photo Contest!
    - 35th Breakfast@Sustainability's
    - Festival of Love 2020
    - Press conference at Negova Castle 2020
    - Manica Klenovšek Musil: Textile Illustrations
  - Caravan NEXT
  - Carnval
  - Mreža multimedijskih centrov
  - X-OP


Past Projects

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MULTIMEDIJSKI CENTER KIBLA / Ulica kneza Koclja 9, 2000 Maribor, Slovenija, Evropa
telefon: 059 076 371 ali 059 076 372 / e-pošta: