
RURITAGE – Heritage for Rural Regeneration

RURITAGE establishes a new heritage-led rural regeneration approach, turning rural areas into sustainable development demonstration laboratories, through the enhancement of their unique heritage potential. Based on past research and experiences, RURITAGE has identified 6 Systemic Innovation Areas and 11 Crosscutting Themes, which represent the ways in which cultural heritage acts as driver for regeneration of a rural area and its economic, social and environmental development.

Through the analysis of 13 selected Role Models (i.e. rural landscapes which have demonstrably and successfully pursued a heritage-led regeneration within one of the 6 Systemic Innovation Areas), RURITAGE will support the co-creation and implementation of heritage-led regeneration strategies in 6 Replicators (i.e. rural landscapes that replicate the heritage-led regeneration 'blueprints' of the 'Role models', properly contextualised to fit their particular contexts).

The knowledge transfer and capacity-building methodology among Role Models and Replicators can usefully be represented by the Tree metaphor, reflecting the integrated and dynamic relations identified among the Role Models and Replicators. The process of knowledge transfer is not intended to be unidirectional, but it should be considered as a dynamic and living exchange of capacity building and mutual learning where Role Models, as roots of a Knowledge transfer tree, will mentor and support the Replicators in the development of their heritage-led rural regeneration strategies and, at the same time, swap experiences in a fertile environment to further develop their knowledge and capacities.

RURITAGE aims to foster social innovation potential and to ensure continuous knowledge transfer and mutual learning. It will support and foster the knowledge transfer and capacity building among Role Models and Replicators through both face-to-face interactions and serious games through the four stages of the development and implementation of the heritage-led rural regeneration strategies in the different partner regions.



Project RURITAGE - Rural regeneration through systemic heritage-led strategies has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776465.

Marjan Manček: Drawn with Love (3. 6.–31. 8. 2022)
Festival of Love 2022 (3.–5. 6. 2022)
Castle Day at Negova Castle (14. 5. 2022)
Herb Day: NEGOVAnJE 2022 (24. 4. 2022)
Press conference at Negova Castle (31. 3. 2022)
Lila Prap, Recipient of the Hinko Smrekar Award (16. 11. 2021)
Heritage for Rural Regeneration (19. 10. 2021)
Lila Prap: Love (3. 9.–31. 10. 2021)
Festival of Love 2021
(3.–4. 9. 2021)
Medieval Day at the Negova Castle (28. 8. 2021)
Herb Day: NEGOVAnJE 2021 – Spring (27. 6. 2021)
RURITAGE Photo Contest Exhibition (4. 6.–31. 8. 2021)
Press conference at Negova Castle (4. 6. 2021)
Join the RURITAGE Photo Contest! (1. 6. - 30. 11. 2020)
35th Breakfast@Sustainability's (17. 11. 2020)
Manica Klenovšek Musil: Textile Illustrations (4. 9.–31. 10. 2020)
Festival of Love 2020 (4. 9. 2020)
Press conference at Negova Castle (16. 6. 2020)



KiBela, space for art



Informal education

Accompanying art program


KiBar: cybernetic bar

Za:misel bookstore






Festival of Love 2008-2012

Days of Curiosity


Projects, Coproduction and International Cooperation

Current Projects
  - RUK
  - Digital Heritage Incubator (DDI)
  - Virtual Multimodal Museum (VIMM)
  - Ruritage
    - Marjan Manček: Drawn with Love
    - Festival of Love 2022
    - Castle Day at Negova Castle
    - Herb Day: NEGOVAnJE 2022
    - Press conference at Negova Castle 2022
    - Lila Prap, Recipient of the Hinko Smrekar Award
    - Heritage for Rural Regeneration
    - Lila Prap: Love
    - Festival of Love 2021
    - Medieval Day at the Negova Castle
    - Herb Day: NEGOVAnJE 2021 – Spring
    - RURITAGE Photo Contest Exhibition
    - Press conference at Negova Castle 2021
    - Join the RURITAGE Photo Contest!
    - 35th Breakfast@Sustainability's
    - Festival of Love 2020
    - Press conference at Negova Castle 2020
    - Manica Klenovšek Musil: Textile Illustrations
  - Caravan NEXT
  - Carnval
  - Mreža multimedijskih centrov
  - X-OP


Past Projects

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E-Excellence Award 2008

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