The OASis – Open Art Spaces and Synergy project will build a network of free and open creative spaces across Europe, with the aim of reducing the entry barriers that exist in the art world. OASis aims to have a positive impact both on artists who want to turn their talent into a job, and on citizens who often distance themselves from the sector. The project creates a unique consortium of almost 20 different institutions (NGOs, cultural institutions, municipalities, universities). It consists of two key modules:
1) Open Art Spaces (OASis) – creation of 13 interdisciplinary art venues in 10 countries (Armenia, Belgium, France, Georgia, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia and Slovenia) with contemporary models of an open art center, combining local context with international art exchange and based on a participatory planning and management format. The module includes both: creation of OASis oases based on existing art venues and on locations never used for artistic purposes.
2) OASis program initiatives – 39 artist residency programs at 13 OASis venues/oases, which will conclude with at least 99 artistic realizations based on the concept of co-creation (professional international and local artists create together with local communities and groups at risk of cultural exclusion).
In addition to the Inna Przestrzen Foundation, the lead partner, the project includes 13 project partners and 4 associated partners.
Project partners
Fundacja Inna Przestrzen Warsaw, Poland https://www.innaprzestrzen.pl/en/
One Caucasus Tbilisi, Georgia https://www.onecaucasus.org/
Fondazione Campania Welfare Naples, Italy https://www.fbnai.it/it-it/home
Bethlen Teri Szinhaz Kozhasznu Nonprofit Kft Budapest, Hungary https://www.bethlenszinhaz.hu/
Cultivamos Cultura Odemira, Portugal https://cultivamoscultura.com/
Associacao Cultural Gerador Lisbon, Portugal https://gerador.eu/en/
Association for Culture and Education KIBLA Maribor, Slovenia http://www.kibla.org/en
Zdruzenie Pre Ochranu Prirody Machaon International Poprad, Slovakia https://machaon.eu/
Le Garage Moderne Bordeaux, France https://www.legaragemoderne.org/
City Mine(d) Brussels, Belgium http://www.citymined.org/en
Today Art Initiative Yerevan, Armenia https://todayart.org/
Congress of Cultural Activists Kiev, Ukraine https://www.cca-ua.org/
Colini-Tripodi GBR Berlin, Germany https://tesserae.eu/
Università Telematica Pegaso Naples, Italy https://www.unipegaso.it/
Associated partners:
Pro Progressione Kulturalis Nonprofit Kozhasznu Kft Budapest, Hungary https://proprogressione.com/en/pro-progressione/
Budapest Fovaros Vii Kerulet Erzsebetvaros Onkormanyzata Budapest, Hungary https://www.erzsebetvaros.hu/
Tomasz Polit Mysiadlo, Poland http://www.crave.com.pl/
Comune Di Portici Portici, Italy https://www.comune.portici.na.it/hh/index.php
The project objectives are: - design and establishment of OASis points as inclusive spaces for local residents - connection with the artistic scene (research and mapping activities, workshop management and creation), - organization and implementation of 39 residencies and creation of the OASis network
The OASis project (2024-2027) is co-financed by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union and Ministry of Public Administration.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or The European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.