
[Translate to English:] Od monologa do dialoga - Fotografski natečaj

The winners of the photo competition on the topic "monologue and dialogue" are:

Erik Školiber – third place
According to the author the image represents a conversation, or dialog between alternative personalities – between different faces we show every day. We believe the black-and-white photograph reflects the idea of censorship related to the possibility for dialog; this is suggested by the shut eyes and the grey band across them. At the same time the smile of the person in the photo "calls for" dialog and communication.

Urša Rahne – second place
The photograph offers an insight into the present-day society of individuals, whose monologs co-exist inside this indifferent community. The symbolism of the bridge, of bridging two separate conditions, like for example from monolog to dialog and vice versa, connects, establishes and builds new links in the direction of a positive social change.

Đejmi Hadrović – first place
The winning photograph tackles the topic of intergenerational and intercultural dialog. It depicts Bosnian women in a different manner – by means of the photo the author wishes to dismantle the stereotypes about ethnicity that stigmatize her, and all of us. The gaze directed upwards is a view towards a (positive) future, towards opening up new perspectives and connecting between generations alongside our everyday rituals. The author of the photograph is a part of such a ritual herself (the photograph was taken by her father), and in turn she puts her signature under the image.

Jury members: Matej Kristovič, Irena Pamič, Barbara Polajnar

The winners of the photo competition



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E-Excellence Award 2008

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